Increasing Official touchscreen resolution Ubuntu Mate 16.04

Hello !

Does anybody know how to increase the resolution of the screen when usinh the Official Raspberry touchscreen ? I get stuck at 800x468 which is very inconvenient (most of the apps are using infos which cannot be accessed at the bottom of the screen…)

I have tried several methods (incl creating a xorg.conf file or using newrez app) and none of them finally worked.
I just cannot imagine raspberry and Ubuntu have not thought about a solution on this such common kind of issue?

Thanks guys for your help!

Hi @guiboy,

try my tip here (its for SIS but should work?):

It will only give you 1024 x 768 but its a start!. :smiley:

Thanks wolfman, I did exactly how it is written but unfortunately there is no effect on my Ubuntu Mate 16.04 + Official Raspberry Touchscreen.
Nevertheless I did not succeed in using the F6 key at startup despite several atempts. I just reboot and keep on pushing the F6 key, did I understand it well?

Thanks for your help, you made some “light” appear in my touchscreen nightmare…!!

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Hi Guillaume,

I cannot help you further as I have neither a touchscreen or Raspi!. :frowning: