That's why I prefer ESET
News about this:
Do we need to perform some kind of extra procedure for protection or just keep the system updated?
That's why I prefer ESET
News about this:
Do we need to perform some kind of extra procedure for protection or just keep the system updated?
Hi @Swart, I looked at this a few days ago and 17.04 patched systemd for this. Here is the Changelog from Synaptic:
systemd (232-21ubuntu5) zesty-security; urgency=medium
* SECURITY UPDATE: Out-of-bounds write in systemd-resolved (LP: #1695546)
- debian/patches/test-resolved-packet-add-a-simple-test-for-our-alloc.patch:
Add a simple allocation test
- debian/patches/resolved-simplify-alloc-size-calculation.patch: Simply
allocation size calculation
- CVE-2017-9445
-- Chris Coulson <[email protected]> Wed, 21 Jun 2017 16:33:22 +0100
And 16.10:
systemd (231-9ubuntu5) yakkety-security; urgency=medium
* SECURITY UPDATE: Out-of-bounds write in systemd-resolved (LP: #1695546)
- debian/patches/test-resolved-packet-add-a-simple-test-for-our-alloc.patch:
Add a simple allocation test
- debian/patches/resolved-simplify-alloc-size-calculation.patch: Simply
allocation size calculation
- CVE-2017-9445
-- Chris Coulson <[email protected]> Wed, 21 Jun 2017 16:35:26 +0100
But 16.04 LTS sits at a version just before the problem so has no update. Not needed.
I’m not sure when it hit the repros but I think it was not Jun 21 but a few days later.
And… Is that the Ubuntu-MATE background on Unity???
Thank you @Bill_MI for informing us about
A good question.
I know I found it odd, I was surfing the internet when I saw this news.
If it is a question about a Linux component/Systemd why associate with an image of Ubuntu Mate?
It's like finding a flaw in a framework and illustrating with a product that uses it.
Hard times these...
If we analyze the corrections response time for vulnerabilities in Linux vs. "Closed windows proprietary systems" We will have amazing results.
Sometimes I find a news, so I just have the job to check if the update has already been launched and the system is upgraded.
If I don't do my part reporting or supplementing the report.
Let's go ahead.
Nah, obviously the Avira employees are using Ubuntu MATE with the mutiny layout.
[quote=“ouroumov, post:4, topic:13929”]Nah, obviously the Avira employees are using Ubuntu MATE with the mutiny layout.[/quote]Ah! The top is chopped off so you can’t see the panel probably there. I have little detailed knowledge of Unity.
Really? I mean, really!?
Oldest security flaw in the planet. Thousands of trees have been cut down to write about about it and what are the best code practices. Entire programming paradigms have been written around it. You get beaten down on public forums like you are a newb, if your code shows potential for a memory overflow. 3 years ago we had Heartbleed to reminds us all how critical systems cannot, simply cannot, have this type of problem. And now... we see it again on another critical component of Linux machines. Swell!
Linux circa 2017, meets Windows circa 2000.