Install software center in 20.04?

I did an update to Ubuntu MATE 20.04 a few days ago but had a persistent problem with the wifi. It kept crashing at short or longer intervals, something that had never happened in previous versions of Ubuntu Mate. I then decided to make a clean install of UM 20.04 and the wifi now works perfectly.

Software Boutique is not enabled, however. Is it possible nevertheless to install the Software Center in UM 20.04?

yes with apt I'm not sure what the name is but it should be something like gnome software or ubuntu software center

It didn't work, I am afraid.

You can install the Software Center in 20.04 by using

sudo apt install gnome-software


Thank you. It is now installed.

I have actually never seen software boutique work in any version of mate 100% correctly. Because of this I have learnt to just use the ‘snap search’ and ‘apt-cache search’ commands. Currently when I open it no software is listed.

Same problem here on 20.04 - gnome-software finds no available applications.
After installing gnome-software-plugin-snap / gnome-software-plugin-flatpak suddendly it's working, and it lists not merely snaps and flatpaks but also deb packages.

Raspberry Pi 4 Ubuntu Mate was missing both Boutique and Software Center. Using trick mentioned above I got Software Center working