This is my first message. Excuse me if there is mistake.
I have Samsung N150 (made in mars 2010) and UbuntuMate 16.04 installing on it. More recent Ubuntumate freeze the laptop.
But, for the update or upgrade with "sudo apt..." command in console there are problem:, because old server problem, old list is used.
I use on mozilla the "apt:" command to do the install: OpenOffice, GIMP, inkscape, kicad, eclipse, netbeans, wine (for old Winx software).
It is ok for the mate system and me. The softwares work fine.
Where can I fond the software list can download and install with the apt: command on my browser?
Want install more, but whom?
This is correct because UM 16.04 is not supported any more and there are no updates nor upgrades for that UM version.
Actually, you can use apt command in terminal. (EOLUpgrades - Community Help Wiki) The reason of the error is that /etc/apt/sources.list refers to the defunct links. Repositories for outdated Ubuntu versions are moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com. That is you have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com
Don't know if you've seen or used this, but the report you get from "probe your computer" button on this web page may give you some hints/insights regarding your hardware's specifics or drivers, which might improve your experience or facilitate a move to later versions of UbuntuMATE.