Installing amule

Hello! I tried to install amule the quick way, namely
sudo apt-get install amule
but I got an old version full of bugs.
Anybody knows if there is a step-by-step guide to install the latest version from
They provide an installation guide here, but it is outdated and has problems.
Thank you!

Hi @Mario.R,

ver: 2.4 is showing in Synaptic which is actually later than the version shown on their own website?, have you done any reloads to your sources lists lately?:

See the update guide for more info about your sources lists if you don't know anything about it:

Then try running your terminal (Ctrl + Alt + t) install command again:

sudo apt-get install amule


Wow, now downloads are ~100 times faster :slight_smile: Thank you!

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Hi @Mario.R,

did it fix your problem and can we mark this as solved?. :smiley: