Installing brisk menu in 16.04 mate

Hello everyone I know there’s a PPA for the Brisk menu but can it be installed in 16.04 that’s what I’m currently using… thanks so much
but it appears to work with 16.10 onwards (not 16.04)

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It is indeed only for 16.10 onwards (likely because of the Gtk3 transition) and Martin has already confirmed it can’t be backported.

It is a much-much better alternative to the Advanced menu based on the horrible-horrible Mint MATE menu, for those wishing for a little more modern menu than the MATE traditional but that maintains its sanity intact. This one can eventually finally replace my decade old gnome 2 menu bar. I’m serious! (It will only depend on its themeing capabilities)

And there are other good news. With MATE 1.18 the mate panel started supporting the MenuLibre menu editor. Hopefully this will end up replacing the aged Mozo. MATE 1.18 debuted on Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (still not an LTS release). So if you want brisk and you want a better menu editor and don’t want to wait for the next LTS release, that’s the version you definitely want to install. Not 16.10 which doesn’t have MATE 1.18 yet.