Dear all,
What are your thoughts on integrating something like Night Light directly into MATE?
Is it worth the effort or are external programs such as Redshift just fine for it?
Dear all,
What are your thoughts on integrating something like Night Light directly into MATE?
Is it worth the effort or are external programs such as Redshift just fine for it?
Redshift is in the software boutique (the welcome center).
What is night light? Please provide a link.
Night Light is GNOME 3.24’s built-in redshift-like feature.
I think they had to introduce it in Gnome because other apps like redshift wouldn’t work in Wayland.
Generally speaking, how difficult or easy would it be to integrate GNOME Night Light into the MATE codebase?
Oh yeah, saw that and wondered the same. Would be nice to have it no extra stuff needed, since Mac/Windows and the phones already have that option integrated. Should be called night-matey(nigh light is good).
I think basically impossible, since it’s built into GNOME shell, which is not part of MATE at all, unlike other parts of GNOME.
But redshift works really well in MATE now. It’s one of the first things I install.
Have you ever run into the Trying location provider geoclue2
… while using Redshift and maybe have a good solution that works on MATE?
I always set my location manually, so the command that I add to Startup Applications, for my location, is redshift -l 44.962:-93.229
. You can find your coordinates easily here:
@elcste, I will do this as well. Thank you!
I just need to remember to change these whenever I am travelling…
How about Redshift as part of the base install…!?
@pepa65, would this mean auto-starting Redshift for the user or just having it installed by default and thus available?
I would only consider installing it by default.
Having it in the default install would suit me!
While considering Redshift should be installed and auto-started, one must remember there are those who maintain a colour managed work-flow (display carefully calibrated and profiled), who would not use such a program.
I tested Redshift since the last days and i think it’s a useful feature.
Ok, i had to set the location and temperature manually. But it works fine.
This is the comand i am using (location: Berlin, DE)
redshift-gtk -l 52.5:13.4 -t 6400:3800
@Etamuk these were just selected according to your personal preference?
Original it starts with 5500 (day) down to 3700 (night). But 5500 is to much red for me daytime.
You can read an interesting article here (german language).
Did i answered your question?
Yes, thank you! I was just wondering on what basis you chose these values.