Interface - Panel Features - Keyboard LEDs (status unknown at login)

My installation is x64. I have Raspberry Pi 2 with UM 15.10 also, but I haven’t checked that yet.

Since I originally posted this, I installed an x64 16.04 Alpha suing Oracle Virtual Box and the problem still exists there,

As I have a wireless keyboard with no indication on the keyboard as to the status of Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock, I turned this feature on. The three indicators show on the panel at the right hand side and show in red when Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock is on.

However, I noticed that following login by a user, the indicators don’t show up in red, even when those keys are on. I suspect that the status of these keys is not being read following a login.

My Caps Lock is not normally on and I don’t use Scroll Lock very much, but my Num Lock is on by default. When I press Num Lock following a login, it remains white, indicating it was already on. I then press it again and it changes to red.

This might help you Steve?:

Sorry @wolfman, I don't think I made myself clear.

On the Raspberry Pi 2 thing, I was just stating that I haven't had the opportunity to check that particular installation yet.

My problem is with the 64-bit PC version of 15.10 (my main installation). I have also checked the daily build of 16.04 (19 January) and the same problem exists. I haven't tried the 32 bit PC version.

My MATE is 1.12.1

The problem is with the MATE desktop, I think. If you click on System-Preferences-Look and Feel-MATE Tweak, you should get three options, Desktop, Windows and Interface. Select 'Interface'. The last option in 'Panel Features' is 'Enable Keyboard LED'. Its purpose is to display the state of the three keys 'Scroll Lock', 'Num Lock' and 'Caps Lock'. The reason I want to use this is that my wireless keyboard had no LEDs built in which show you the state of the keys. The two graphics below from my panel should show you what I mean:

The first graphic shows all of the keys as being off. The second shows 'Num Lock' as being on.

The problem is, when you first login, the panel doesn't necessarily accurately reflect the state of the keys. I don't think the state of the keys is being read following a login.

Actually, juist checking, I'm not sure the Scroll Lock is even working at all, though my main concern is with 'Num Lock' and 'Caps Lock'

Perhaps this should logged as a MATE fault @Wimpy, rather than here.

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@Steve get you using the new features :slight_smile: I’ll have to look into this…


What I meant @Steve was for you to have a look on the Raspi forum, I otherwise have no clue about your problem!. :smiley:

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Thanks. I will take a look. I’ve been on that forum in the past, but I’m not a regular visitor.

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Good luck!. :smiley:

I first raised this problem in January. My wireless keyboard has no indicators to show whether Caps Lock, Num Lock or ScrLk are on or off.
It is still unfixed in the 16.04 final release, though I though it was fixed in the beta releases. I may be wrong on that though.

When you login, the Keyboard LED indicators on the Panel are white, indicating an off state. Normally my Num Lock is on by default and Caps Lock is off. I don't use ScrLk much. If you press the Caps Lock key, both the Caps Lock and Num Lock indicators turn red. This would suggest that the Num Lock was already on, though its state was not being reflected in the LEDs on the Panel. The ScrLk LED cannot be activated by pressing that key.

See the partial screenshot below, which shows that numeric digits had been typed into Pluma, though the LED for Num Lock clearly shows it is off. I know I could have switched the state of the Num Lock before taking the screenshot, but you'll just have to accept my word that I didn't!

After pressing the Caps Lock key (and nothing else), see the following screenshot:

You can see that the LEDs for Caps Lock and Num Lock have turned red.

Can you have a look at this please @Wimpy? The LEDs are really useful when you don't have any indication on your keyboard as to the state of the keys.