Introduction Thread

My fiancee would prefer the home time but honestly I wouldn’t mind the longer on the road job myself. And I am in Akron, north east Ohio.

I suppose this is the perfect topic for my first post here.

My name is Joseph and I reside in Michigan, U.S. The first taste of open source software began with Mozilla Firefox and has been my browser of choice ever since. I finally made the jump to Linux(or GNU/Linux for those that prefer proper terminology) back in 2008/2009 when the only computer I had was an old eMachines desktop that a friend of mine put Ubuntu 9.04 on it. I fell in love, and never looked back.

From there I hopped from distro to distro, but I always came back to debian based distros. I love debian because of it’s rock-solid stability, and Ubuntu because it works. I have tried to find ways to make it not work. To no avail, lol. I have been using Crunchbang Linux until corenominal ended development a little over a month ago. Which brings me to Ubuntu MATE.

I came to Ubuntu MATE purely out of necessity. I bought a new laptop computer about two weeks ago and I had a hard time getting debian to work on it. Deep down I knew two things: I could waste another 2 hours to fix the issues I was having with debian, or I could just go find an Ubuntu based distro because like I said, it flippin works. In my search I found this distro and said, “yep. That one will work.” And here I am!

Like everyone here I love and advocate FOSS. I am a news junkie. I love to read, listen and make music, documentaries, cartoons and comics, and a myriad of other sources of entertainment.

That about covers it.


@sradonichiv I’ll do some asking around. I drive for Hogan but I’m base in the Michigan terminal dedicated to Savalot. We run the Austinburg Savalot but that would be about a 2 hour drive for you. I know they are hiring. I’m not sure what that terminal requires for prior experience. But you could check them out.

@broseph Welcome to the family. I’m done with distro hopping and I think I gonna stay here. Well at least till something happens and this one gets dumped. But I doubt that gonna happen being that it is an official flavor of Ubuntu now.
@JohnBlood Welcome to the family!


Thanks @UnkleBonehead. It’s good to be here.

Ken here and I’ve been a Ubuntu/Mint user since version 8.04 came out. I switched to Mint when 10.04 came out with Unity and used Mate on Mint and liked it. When Mate became available for Ubuntu I switched back and I’m glad to see that it will finally be included on the DVD instead of having to download it for each clean install. I’m on a metered Mobile Broadband plan so bytes aren’t unlimited for me.

Ennywho, Congrats to Mate for becoming an “official” Ubuntu release and I’m looking forward to seeing how it works once v15.04 is finally released!


Hi, name is Del. “A long time ago” I began experimenting with the use of Linux, in the Windoze 98 days. used Suse for awhile, when Ubuntu came out i used that for a fair period of time. But when Unity came out I was completely turned off. I ended up using Mint / Mate mostly, until lately, have begun having errors with that and dependency issues I cannot work out. THEN I found out that Ubuntu “officially” now has Mate!!!

I now have “as of today” two identical Thinkpad T520s with Ubuntu Mate 14xx, dual boot with a basic install of Whinehozed 7 for “that stuff” I cannot figure out in Linux.

Additionally this last week I bought a new barebones setup from Tiger, so IT has Ubuntu studio and W7. It is supposed to become a media center

I URGE the solid support of stuff such as Mate. I like it SO much better than KDE, and REFUSE to use unity in any form

THANK you for your efforts

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Welcome to our community @440roadrunner

Hi everyone,

My name it Tim, born and raised in Hamburg, Germany I now live in the UK.

I used to be very much into computers and never bought one PC off the shelve, although I didn’t do this overclocking nonsense that was around for some time. Stability was always more important to me than 3% more speed. I haven’t kept up with hardware developments in recent years, but I’d still always build from scratch.

My OS have always been M$ (dons asbestos suit), but I also have always tried Linux. I think I have tried every Ubuntu release since Warty (and some derivatives), but sooner rather than later ran into obstacles that I couldn’t figure out how to fix without a complete re-install. So back to Windows I went.

My first exposure to MATE was the 15.04 Beta 2 and I’m loving it. The best out-of-the-box experience yet, which up to now had been Mint. Of course, I stuffed something up as usual, but for now she’s still running. :+1:




Hi Ubuntu Mate community! Name is Mitchell from Midwest U.S. !

Fedora was my first Linux Distro back in 2001-2004 and I went distro-hopping from Ubuntu/Win7 in mid to late 2000’s, Linux Mint in 2013-2015, and discovered Ubuntu Mate like right now! :smiley:

I miss the nostalgic and simplistic version of the ye-Ubuntu days. It’s great that I came across this distro when I did. It looks like Ubuntu Mate is a pretty good distro to jump on board to.

I hear of other great distros such as Manjaro and Arch Linux, but lol! I just want something that works and gets the job done without too many bumps in the way. I will have to say though that I’m an intermediate at best Linux user when it comes to this type of stuff, but I might ask a few questions on the forums regarding to this new-nestolgic distro to get me going.

Besides that, I love birds, LEGO (Bionicle), Gaming, and Android when it comes to my hobbies.

I’ll probably be hanging around in the Linux Gaming forums for the most part while I’m here.

I’m not a Ubuntu MATE user (yet) as I’m currently a fully satisfied user of Linux Mint MATE. That said, I nonetheless feel it’s appropriate for me to introduce myself here being as we’re all connected by our common enthusiasm for, and love of, MATE (BTW, I’ve been commenting here for a few months already and this is a wonderful community). MATE has an awful lot going for it. It’s stable, it’s fast – and thanks to Compiz – it’s also sexy. Yet MATE’s benefits don’t really stop there. MATE also allows you to be amazingly productive. In fact, MATE is likely to be one of very few desktop environments that fully implements something as fundamental as drag and drop functionality. To see what I mean, see here: This may not mean a whole lot to the average computer enthusiast but to someone who really strives to be productive, it can be a godsend. If you’re a writer, a developer or a member of any number of other creative professions, you know that having the right tools to do your job can mean the difference between eating macaroni and cheese every night and (at least) eating steak once in a while. :wink: I personally think that MATE is well poised to be one of those tools insofar as Linux desktop environments go but what concerns me is that it seems that only a small percentage of folks in the Linux community are aware of MATE’s real potential – at least according to MATE’s perceived “market share”. I feel that this needs to change and change quickly because otherwise, we may all wake up one day to find that MATE has become completely irrelevant in the Linux world (have you planned your next DE hop yet?). So, as for why I’m participating in this forum, one reason is because I feel that all of us MATE fans need to band together and strategize ways to improve both the awareness of MATE (like, why is it next to impossible to find the Ubuntu MATE edition when one searches for “Ubuntu download” in Google?) as well as its image (if you took a poll, you’d likely discover that most Linux users think of MATE as “boring”). The simple fact of the matter is this: if MATE is a success for any one distro, that’s a win for MATE users everywhere. I say, let’s “market” MATE… As for who I am, I live in Texas, I’ve worked as a software developer since graduating in 1981, I began using Linux about 2007 (Suse/KDE) but it didn’t “take”. I later began using Ubuntu 9.04 (Gnome 2) and I’ve been hooked on Linux (and open source software) ever since.

Hi all. I’m Glenn Johnson. Linux user and KIA dealer parts counter person. Been using Linux for 15 or more years now (I think). Started back in the Fedora Core 1, Caldera and Mandrake days. Now I’m mostly a Fedora user but I like to dabble in all of the other flavours.

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After a month, I can safely say: "It’s Official"

Hello all, Randall Lewis is my name but my wife of 28 years, and I, have always referred to ourselves as “mated” (our term of endearment predating even Ubuntu :flushed: ); so, because of that – and my affection for this Linux distribution - I took the apropos opportunity of officializing mated, right here in the community. In the backwoods just outside Columbia, South Carolina, USA is where I hang my hat; and for the past 30 years, I have kept busy, simultaneously, being a radio personality and community newspaper publisher. My newest toil is the attempt to succeed at getting out of grad school with my sanity; and Ubuntu MATE, with all its appendages, now helps me with that.

Ubuntu MATE has been my home since the start of 11/2015, but I became a newbie to Linux during the Summer of 2015; and am utterly free, and wholly satisfied now. Before coming aboard Ubuntu MATE, I went from Windows 7 to Mint-Cinnamon for two months, then to Mint-Xfce, Lubuntu-LXLE, and then Unity - all for progressively shorter stints; but I will be staying with Ubuntu Mate from now on. I am fine with all of them; but this gig is the zenith of comprehensive greatness, so far as my needs go. Ubuntu Mate is very near perfect - not just for me, but for my entire family - and it is now the only environment which we run on our PC’s & laptops – yes we are all mated around here :kissing_heart: .


I guess that I’m the current newbie. My name is Jerry Rioux and I live in California mid-way between Los Angeles and San Francisco. I’m officially a senior citizen, but still work full-time running a very small nonprofit corporation. I took my first computer programing classes in high school, starting with Fortran IV and then taking BASIC. I bought my first computer in 1982 - a Commodore VIC-20. I got hooked and computers have been a hobby since then. After my C=64, I bought an IBM PC clone and pretty much stuck with Microsoft OSes.

I loaded Ubuntu Mate 15.10 onto a USB drive this week and booted up an old Window XP computer with it yesterday. Next week I plan to assemble a Gigabyte BRIX that I recently bought and test both Ubuntu and Mint on it.

To be honest, I tried Mint 17 for a short time over a year ago on an even older XP computer. I quit using that machine due to its age and Mint due to the fact that Libre Office was not totally compatible with MS Word. I’ve heard about a program called WINE and hope that it will run MS Office in Ubuntu and/or Mint. It would be greatly appreciated if people could share any real world experience they have using Office with WINE.

As an old fart, I prefer the old Norton-style file manager with two windows. Suggestions for the best Linux versions of these would be appreciated, too. Among other things, it needs to recognize and work with Android tables and Window phones. (Caja doesn’t seem to - are there things that I missed?)

I’ll probably have other questions.

See you around!



Welcome :slight_smile:

Press F3 in the MATE file manager (Caja) to get a dual pane arrangement.

Hello guys!

My name is Saul from Guatemala and I’m a 16 year old HS student (and polyglot in progress :sunglasses:) so my needs aren’t that high from a OS.

I have been using MATE since around two weeks (although some time before I had experimented various distros through USB :yum:), and so far I love how the GUI looks and how faster it is.

I hope to have a great experience with both the OS and the community!


Hi sakerti

Welcome to the community :smiley:

If you have any Mate questions, just start a thread, lots of help here.

Wecome to the Ubuntu Mate community Sakerti…:slight_smile:

I am Ricardo Pereira, i am Portuguese, i love to create. I AM A MAKER!! a 3d printing freak, in my contry all people say that i am a 3d evangelist, i am president of problender a Portuguese association of Blender.
I am a E-Nable maker, and i am always trying new prototipes.
I use linux in my server and in my raspberry with octoprint to manage my printers.


I work in a lot of things, one of the things i use my printer is for aesthetic prosthetics, i project molds in blender then i prototype to cast silicone. in that area i have a Brazilian friend that works great in blender, and is also a opensource freak… Cicero Morais you can google it!!


Hi to all, I frist got started with an Apple II, Apple IIe, and the Apple IIc(anybody else remember writing hplot lines?) My first home computer was a Vic-20. It had a magnetic tape drive. Yes, like an audio cassette tape.

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