IRC #ubuntu-mate

Is the IRC channel dead, deprecated, or am i hooked up improperly?

I’m on hexchat and see this,

-ChanServ- [#ubuntu-mate] Welcome to #ubuntu-mate. This channel is publicly logged at

But i’ve seen no message traffic even though it looks like lots of folks are connected. I’m not experienced with IRC so maybe there’s something i need to do to see messages? Confused, TIA.

* crankypuss (~crankypus@2600:100e:b044:56ca:1c46:cf75:fe34:3d90) has joined #ubuntu-mate
<ouroumov_> crankypuss, this is message traffic. :D

It’s active and you’re on the right channel, but this is IRC, people aren’t connected H24 and when they are, they tend to do other stuff than watching the chat window. ^^

Thanks for showing me that it’s working as expected, now it’s time for me to go learn some stuff about IRC.

Presumably i’ll find out how to get hexchat to notify me of traffic while it’s iconized. Mostly i’m offline and running my laptop on battery, but during the day i’m often online. Being totally offgrid/solar has advantages and disadvantages.

Thanks again.

I dont think the IRC logs are up to date at
