Is it possible to operate the browser from the terminal?

I want to move it to the left or right of the screen with a command

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Do you mean you want to type a command in a terminal window and move the browser, in a separate window, around on the display?

If so, I seriously doubt that would be possible. Allowing a process in one window to access another window would be a serious security problem, it seems to me. I can't imagine any developer in the X/Linux/Unix world knowingly making that possible. Even allowing a process to access where another window is displayed seems unwise.

What goal are you trying to accomplish?

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Thank you for your reply
The purpose is to open two types of browsers with commands on the left and right of the screen

Ah. I can't give you a play by play--but look into xdotool. Perhaps you can squeeze what you want out of that?

You may need to install it with your favorite method. I used "sudo apt install xdotool"

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Welcome @aoi_OGRE to the community!

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this is um22, I dont have two broswers but I started two instances of Firefox to demo the issue. The second Firefox could be brave, waterfox, or some other browser.


Thank you for letting me know
I'll try

It worked as I expected. It's comfortable. Thank you.