What program do you use for video editing?
sudo apt-get install kdenlive
sudo apt-get install openshot
Wath kind of video editing are you talking about ?
- If Linear I would suggest
Pitivi (Blends well with mate desktop since it is gtk3) - If Non-Linear i would suggest
Natron (The most updated one / Possible alternative to Adove after effects)
- Pitivi
- OpenShot
- KDENLive
- LightWorks (look on their page, it’s free but you need to enter an email to get a subscription, also buying a premium subscription it has more features). This is a very advanced editor and is aso available for Windows if you need an advanced cross platform tool.
Tried Openshot, but it seems a bit complicated, while Pitivi is simple and straightforward.
Only problem with Pitivi is that it is very unresponsive and crashes under UM 16.04 while it was running very well under Debian Jessie 8.6 KDE
Pitivi was good in the past. I wouldn’t recommend it now.
Openshot and Kdenlive are good.
I use Avidemux for spliting videos because the output is same as the source video.
This is a good question.
Openshot seems to be good but for example i can not defacing an area with it.
Kdenlive doesn’t start after installing it on Ubuntu MATE 16.10.
And Avidemux is not available in the official packet sources.
To install Avidemux (QT version) , execute the following commands in a terminal:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu xenial-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'
wget -q -O- http://archive.getdeb.net/getdeb-archive.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update && sudo apt install avidemux2.6-qt
To remove Avidemux (QT version), execute the following command in a terminal:
sudo apt remove avidemux-qt && sudo apt autoremove
I’ve tested all the above and it works on my 64 bit rig.
My preference is Kdenlive
sudo apt-get install Kdenlive
2.prefrence is Openshot
sudo apt-get install openshot
I really like OpenShot
But I also use or have used:
Flowblade Movie Editor
I enjoy kdenlive ! which is a bit more stable from the officiel ppa available from their website. (encounter crash with changing color of tiltles in the version provided by Ubuntu repositories.
I do appreciate openshot too.
I would like to learn more about Blender. As far as i know, official Gnome video are made with it.