Is Ubuntu MATE missing any essential applications?

Automatic Password Generator (apg) is a useful small command line application. Great for generating complex passwords with ease, here’s an ease of use example.


apg -a1 -m24

-a Algorithm used (0/1) default is 0 pronounceable passwords
-m Minimum password length

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This sounds like it could also be used like pwgen.

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Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing GIMP being installed by default.


Haven’t seen here yet (maybe my mistake) but a notification applet such as in Unity and XFCE (Xubuntu) have, where to find Thunderbird notifications, and rrs notifications could be very useful !
I use Liferea keep in Plank dock and FireTray for Thunderbird but i feel like “it takes space” (?)
If those things where in one place then, maybe … more useful to get news about mails and social networking stuff.
Anyway sorry for my english who’s not so “fluidly” and cool.
Thanks to the team

If you mean the “messaging menu” indicator, I believe it is Gtk3-only, so it doesn’t work with the current, Gtk2-only MATE panel. Once the MATE panel is using Gtk3, which is on the roadmap, it should work.

Thanks for that info ! But it could be nice stuff.

I’ve just installed Ubuntu Mate I think it looks great, I’m really happy with it so far.

To answer this topic’s question, I was surprised when I couldn’t find any calendar app, preferable with Google calendar synchronization. I think that’s the only essential “standard” application that I’m missing for my daily and basic use.

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I found that the Thunderbird version that comes pre-installed provided a method to use my Google calendar, which btw is also accessed by my iPhone - so no matter which device I’m using I always have the same calendar


Boomaga, i have a samsung ml-2165w. Boomaga is the excellent replacement to the propriety software that comes with it. the best part is it works with any printer for two sided printing and other features. to me this is an essential application.


I installed boomaga with Synaptic. I can’t get it to run. It produces one “permission denied” message after another. Could you explain what you have to do to get this interesting software to work? :slight_smile:

Hi @alpinejohn,

try adding their PPA?:

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Continuing the discussion from HardInfo benchmarking tool not installed by default:
I guess this topic refers to software to be installed by default. Is there any particular reason why the HardInfo benchmarking tool was not installed by default? I found it extremely helpful for testing a laptop and quickly getting an overview over what kind of hardware is built in via live USB before an actual installation. What do you guys think? Is there any other program installed by default in UM that I overlooked?

Hallo Wolfman

You hit the spot once again. Many thanks! :clap:

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I guess Okular is not included as it is a KDE app. The good alternative is Foxit Reader, that you can download from their website. They have free version and also one for linux (I guess Ubuntu/Debian). You can install it on UM without any problem.
And I guess it is not included as it does not have PPA and probably is not open source, although I am not sure about this

Just discovered Clementine for music today. I had been desperately searching for something to replace Winamp. Clementine is by far the most full-featured and intuitive music library and playlist creator that I’ve seen in Linux.

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Yes me too ! But i use lightning from thunderbird to sync google calendar !
i really enjoy menu in Unity displaying sync events. Simple and efficient. Could be very useful to display sync event calendar in Ubuntu MATE from the desktop it self without opening apps. (such as Gnome / Unity)
Could be interesting to share here about what / how people sync their calendar in UM …

Just a couple minor things on my wishlist:

  1. Synaptic
  2. Gtkhash (or equivalent) for Caja
  3. Clipboard manager (i.e. Parcellite) – unless I’m just blind and didn’t see it as a plugin :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand the decision to exclude Synaptic since it’s easy to add for those who know how, and it could confuse new users that don’t.


I know you mean well with that statement, but I still believe off-the-hop Ubuntu Welcome should ask (politely) what someone wishes to use the system for, and provide popular additional software sourcing applications from the other categories to get users going real quick. It does not matter if the software will bloat their system up, what matters is the user gets to choose without having to think about making a decision.

@Sothis6881 Thanks for the gtkhash idea. I’ll add this to Ubuntu MATE 17.10.


Awesome! I’m happy to hear that, and looking forward to 17.10! :smile: