Issues with 24.04 LTS

I decide to install 24.04 on a test box and have two issues.
One Caja doesn't show album art (thumbnails) on my songs and I do a lot with music. If I open the folder/album in Thunar they show, and then will show in Caja after that.

after opening with Thunar

I went to my Mint Mate and added any thumbnail software that Ubuntu Mate didn't have but still get the same result, album art won't show if I don't open it in Thunar first. This was a problem in 20.04 LTS, solved in 22.04 LTS and back again in 24.04 LTS. Any suggestions?

The second problem is with engrampa. It will compress a file, but when I try to extract nothing is there. I added gnome file roller and when I try to extract the file is there and extracts correctly. I usually use .7z, as you can password protect the compression for privacy. I also tried in different .tar compressions with the same results. Then I added gnome file roller and that finds and extracts the file correctly.

This is a new problem I have only experienced in 24.04 LTS. Again anyone having this same problem. Any ideas?

I would like to put Ubuntu Mate 24.04 LTS on my main laptop and register it with Ubuntu Pro, but not until I can fix these two problems. Does anyone know when the next point release will be ready?

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re: thumbnails, are your songs on a remote drive? go to Caja > Edit > prefs > preview and choose.

Not on a remote drive, only the laptop drive. This is a Mate problem, I experienced it on three different laptops, and Mate Parrot, Mate Spiral, Mate Sparky and Mate Debian. Ubuntu Mate 22.04 and Mint Mate 20.3 had the problem fixed, but it seems back in 24.04

It does happen on external drives too, but I have download thumbnails with easy tag or make my own album art, strip the originals with kid3 and put them in each folder, then attach them to the songs with kid3. But I get the same results with a ripped factory CD.

Hi, @jymm (Jim) :slight_smile:

About this last question of yours:

I may be wrong, but I believe the first point release (24.04.1) of Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS ("Noble Numbat ") will be released more or less at the same time as it will be for "regular" Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ("Noble Numbat"), so it will be on 15th of August or some time after that date (of the current year of 2024). Here's what the "Release Notes" for "Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ("Noble Numbat") say in its "Upgrades" section:

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) Release Notes - Release - Ubuntu Community Hub

" (...)


Users of Ubuntu 23.10 will be offered an automatic upgrade to 24.04 soon after the release.
Users of 22.04 LTS however will be offered the automatic upgrade when 24.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for the 15th of August. (...)"

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Thanks Richard.
I usually wait until the first point release but 24.04 caused so much controversy I had wanted to see what it was about. I hope the two problems I mentioned are fixed because I want to get the 10 years of support under Ubuntu Pro. If they are not I will probably go back to Ubuntu 22.04 and go with 7 years of support (which is what I did with my wife's laptop for other reasons).
I also am considering Mint Mate, but that OS has problems with their Ayantana indicators, especially the battery monitor which is very important to me. You can set it up under dconf like here, but it still doesn't show any time or percentage.The indicators just don't work. (The extra panel applet is prone to not loading and crashing on all Mate installs.)
I am old enough that 7-10 years might just be my last install.


Hello @jymm,

Quite likely, you need to adjust the preferences for Caja.

You need to look at "File Management Preferences":

There is a strong chance that your size setting next to "Only for files smaller than:" is too small. Boost that number and the problem will disappear.

Caja is its own application, just as Thunar is. Each has its own settings for cutoff regarding which files to ignore, in order to minimize compute overhead for files that might create too demanding a workload.

Mind you, once it is done, there is no need to repeat, unless ... you purge all those thumbnails before doing backups, as some people do (me included :slight_smile: ).

I keep the number at 4 gb.

Ubuntu Mate 240.04

Mint Mate 20.3

As you can see on the Ubuntu Mate installation I keep each thumbnail in the album folder permanently.

About engrampa, I encountered the same with 7z files (encrypted)

I installed gnome's file-roller and it unzips password protected 7z files without problem. 7z and p7zip both work flawless from the commandline.
So the problem is indeed limited to engrampa (version 1.26.2-4 according to apt policy)

Anyone who encounters this issue, click on "affects me too" here:


It all worked correctly in 22.04, my hope is it will all work correctly again after the first point release of 24.04.

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I was referring to the files created by Caja which are dropped into ~/.cache/thumbnails/{ fail | large | normal }. Files themselves stay where you dropped them. :slight_smile:

Yes, but they should reload when you open the album with Caja, the thumbnails are imbedded in the mp3.
I use Easytag for individual songs and Kid3 for doing bulk songs.

Caja has limitations regarding which image formats it can handle by default. For example, it does not handle webp at 22.04LTS:


It is best to stick to a format considered "universal". *.png is, for me the safest bet. And to make those smaller, there are tools to change those to either 16-bit or even 4-bit, depending on your need to minimize that overhead.

While *.jpeg has been universal, I've seen some activity making other forms of JPEG the default, not the original, to lower the lossiness even further. :frowning: And maybe that community is backing away from those bleeding edge formats because of lack of hardware manufacturer support.


Problem might be bigger than we thought. I just installed 22.04 LTS.

I just went to my music folder, and have discovered that, not only do I not get the thumbnails showing for my music files, but, even with Audacious being offered by Caja as my default music player, selecting that has no effect at all !!!

I think I stumbled on a posting in the "new items" list yesterday, but I ignored it thinking it would not apply to me. I will have to go looking for that now!

The problem has been fixed in the latest version of engrampa as described here.
Is there any way to get the latest version in the repositories?
Thank you


Hi, @alfredo and welcome to the Ubuntu MATE Community!

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If they decide to backport the patched version it will land in the repositories automatically.

Also, there might be a small chance that an upgrade to a newer desktop version will be offered during th 24.04 lifetime (which has been done before) but we'll just have to wait.


Still not working for me in Ubuntu-MATE 24.10. I did a fresh install of 24.10 on a laptop that was running Mint 22 Cinnamon. Rebooted a few times to work out the bugs that can happen on a new install. Was it fixed in 24.04? I didn't try 24.04 this weekend.

I just downloaded the ISO for UM 24.04.1:

4.0G  Oct 10 16:29  ubuntu-mate-24.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso

Thom, notwithstanding all the issues reported with install of 24.04, is your opinion that it is generally "sane" to give it a try ?

I would say yes. 24.04.1 didn't have installer issues and at least for everything worked but emgrampa with the 7 zip issue. I am a very casual user with nowhere your needs or knowledge though.

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Check the availability of your favourite software.
If it is all available for 24.04 you're good to go.

On my computers it runs perfectly fine and stable. Most important is that all of your hardware is supported. I haven't run into any showstoppers yet.

I converted most of my computers to 24.04 except my worklaptop and my desktop-computer (which are running 22.04):

  1. For my desktop computer I first have to test if my mail archive gets picked up by the new snappyfied Thunderbird so I want to take some time for it since this is my daily driver. I might even switch to evolution because of it.

  2. my laptop needs rigourous testing with 24.04 before I switch because I need it visually 100% guaranteed glitch-free because it also will be running projections and music during danceshows and theater performances so the reliability demands are pretty extreme. I do this with every version upgrade.
    (By the way, MS-Windows is hardly used in this sector because of lack of reliability and bad track record. Most used laptops in this sector are Macs)

I will probably move those last two computers to 24.04 in next summer.
I planned to do it this summer but since 24.04 still had a lot of teething problems I had to delay it to next year.