KeepassXC uses wrong theme after upgrade to 20.10

I'm using Ubuntu MATE with the materia theme.

KeepassXC show some green buttons, unlike other QT apps which seem to inherit the GTK . It seems older issues like aren't relevant for this case, as they implemented a new view:
But I'm wondering where the green buttons are coming from.

Hi @bjo :slight_smile:
Same here on Ubuntu Mate 18.04.
I have noticed the same behavior on a RHEL 8.2 with gnome.
Developers created a internal theme manager, you can access it form KeePass menu.


It's the new default theme since KeePass 2.6.0 if I remember correctly.
If you want it to use your gtk theme, go to View, theme and choose classic and relaunch it.


Yes, switching to "classic" helps somehow. To get the look I also have on GTK, I had to use kvantum now and set it via QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME. Now everything looks fine.

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