Kernel still old after dist-upgrade to 16.04 LTS

i did a dist-upgrade on my RPi2 and at the end i got the following error:

Trigger für flash-kernel (3.0~rc.4ubuntu62) werden verarbeitet …
flash-kernel: installing version 4.4.0-1012-raspi2
Taking backup of vmlinuz.
Installing new vmlinuz.
Taking backup of bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb.
Installing new bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb.
Taking backup of initrd.img.
Installing new initrd.img.
Generating u-boot environment image… done.
Taking backup of uboot.env.
Installing new uboot.env.
Error: Timeout was reached

Now the kernel is still old
uname -r

Due to an timeout error the kernel was not updated, but apt thinks the new one is installed.
How can the kernel flash be retriggered?

On raspberry pi kernel must be updated by rpi-update, so open a terminal then type :
sudo rpi-update

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