Keyboard loses focus. Needs a mouse click in desktop

My problem is really strange. Never had installed Ubuntu Mate before and i did a chance. Ubuntu Mate 20.04 installed from scratch.Seems OK. I personalized by my heart assigning some commands to shortcuts. I removed also the mate screensaver replacing it with i3locker. But after some times I noticed that when I produce a shortcut combination(by keyboard) form my actions, nothing comes up.Lets say. F4 - for mate terminal.I need to click somewhere with mouse(in desktop) and keyboard get focus.Even pushing Windows button does not bring up Brisk Menu or Mate Menu. Because I was not able to find solution , I thought that something I have done wrong by installing additional softwares etc or personalization by entering dconf editor. ( I have in my laptop Kubuntu and Lubuntu where I have installed the same softwares especially in Lubuntu, but in them this problem does not occur). So.... I reinstalled Ububtu Mate another time from scratch, trying to have carefully an on my personalization steps or package install.At one point that I was not able to catch, the problem occurred again. So.I am able to process everything but only this annoying problem. Keyboard loses focus and I need to have a mouse click in desktop to have keyboard reaction back . I tried to reinstall xserver by command : sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-all
as explained in the follow link :, but this did not resolved my problem.
Also the are some cosmetical problems that one can distinguish by Ksystemlog or System Log Viewer as follow (that I was not able to find solution but did not bother me)
org.mate.panel.applet.MateMenuAppletFactory Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light/stock/16/"
org.mate.panel.applet.BriskMenuFactory Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light/stock/16/"

Has someone experienced the same problem?

Seems I found the problem. Conky .... bloody conky.

I had idea to stop conky ( in terminal killall conky) and the problem solved.

After that I searched in internet and found

I changed in my conky

own_window_type dock

from the original value

own_window_type normal

Seems Mate desktop suffer form conky.
I suggest other members to verify the problem by changing this value. If happens like happen to me than move this post to Mate tricks.

Hi, @penguin. For the record - I see you found conky already. My personal solution is since I always run compiz I add a windows rule. The problem seems to be the conky window getting focus so don't let it:

This works for me. I tried lots of window type and option combinations but never found another total solution that didn't use an unacceptable conky display.