Keyboard shortcut to show notifications list in Ubuntu MATE 21.04

I'm trying to find keyboard shortcuts to:

(1) Show notifications list

(2) Clear notifications list

I have gone through this AskUbuntu thread:

and Ubuntu desktop guide:

but none of 'em working for Ubuntu MATE 21.04... because when I open the Menu > Keyboard Shortcuts, there are no entries for anything related to notifications. Also, Super+V or Super+N does nothing.

I can't find any option to view or create keyboard shortcuts in Ayatana indicators settings either.

So, how do I create custom keyboard shortcuts to show and clear notifications list? Thanks.

OS: Ubuntu MATE 21.04

Indicator applet complete: 1.24.0

Ayatana indicators settings: 21.1.28-1

Ayatana indicator notifications: 0.8.90-1


I was searching for it as well. My solution (tested in Mate 20.04, Pantheon panels). Menu > Keyboard Shortcuts > Window Management > Move between panels and the desktop, using a popup window or Move between panels and the desktop immediately. The latter was set to Ctrl+Alt+Esc, changed it to Mod4+M.

Now press Mod4+M (in my setup there is unfortunately little visual feedback, but the panel has focus now), then press right arrow -> my notification indicator shows its menu and I can use "Clear"