Keyboard stops working randomly

So every once in a while my keyboard will stop working and then my mouse will be selective as to what I can click. I can’t even initiate the reboot by clicking on the power icon.

My laptop info is:

OS: Ubuntu Mate 18.04 (just upgraded to 18.04 from 16.0) Make: System76 Gazelle Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-20-generic x86_64)

I’ve tried googling this issue but none of their solutions resolved the issue.

I’m thinking this is related to Xorg.

Any feedback on this would be much appreciated.


Hi @Daniel_McQuay, which window manager are you using (marco or compiz)? Do you have the HUD enabled? Which menu do you use (MATE Advanced Menu, Brisk Menu)?

The reason I ask is because these apps have been known to cause Xorg to lock up input in the past. It really shouldn’t be the case anymore, but we should probably rule them out first.

Hi @vkareh,

Thanks for your response.

I have marco enabled with GPU acceleration. I do have the hud enabled and I am using the traditional layout. I can for sure turn off the hud as I don’t really use it. What window manager do you recommend using , marco or compiz? Is the Traditional layout know to cause any issues?

The Traditional layout, in its default, should not cause any issues.

Marco or Compiz is a matter of personal preference (I personally prefer Marco). Compiz has some issues currently with Brisk, but it should be solved in 18.04. If you don’t use Brisk, then no worries there.

If you don’t use the HUD, might as well turn it off and see if you still get the input locks. If it solves the problem, then we’ve likely found the culprit. If not, then we can change other variables and see what other things break :wink:

Thanks for the feedback.

I’ve unchecked the hud, so that is off now. I don’t use the brisk menu, I prefer the regular “menu bar”. I haven’t had the keyboard freeze for a few days but I guess we will see. I do recall using the function keys prior to the keyboard freezing but that may have been a coincidence.

The first time it happened I felt as though it wasn’t a big deal. The second time I was playing League of Legends. That is when I felt that there may have been a crash in PlayOnLinux. But the third time I was setting up a new desktop layout after my upgrade to 18.04.

I will wait and see if this happens again and update the post either way.

I might check the system76 forums to see if there were any reports or similar incidents.

Thanks for all your help.



Just wanted to report that ever I made the changes I haven’t has any issues with the keyboard locking up and limited mouse controls. Thanks for the suggestions. I would like to say that this has been SOLVED.


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