Laptop Mode Tools showing up during boot process for Desktop

I have a desktop (non-laptop) computer that is not battery operated.

In the "boot.log.1" file (boot.log is empty ?), I see the following:

[  OK  ] Started Runs Laptop Mode T…ng Service, every 150 seconds.
         Starting Laptop Mode Tools...
         Starting Laptop Mode Tools - Battery Polling Service...
[  OK  ] Finished Laptop Mode Tools - Battery Polling Service.
[  OK  ] Finished Laptop Mode Tools.

Is there something "wonky" happening here ?

Neither my desktop nor my laptop have this entry in /var/log/boot.log.1

I have to confess that both are fresh installs, not upgrades.
If your current install is an upgrade of a previous install, it might be that laptopmodetools got installed based on that previous install.

Please issue this command:

apt search laptop-mode-tools

it should give you something like this:

laptop-mode-tools/jammy,jammy 1.74-1.1 all
  Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status

without [installed] or [installed,automatic]

But If it is installed, remove it:

sudo apt purge laptop-mode-tools

I'd like to back @tkn answer.
My system is UM 22.04. Synaptic shows that Laptop mode tools are not supported by Canonical and, most likely, are not part of the default install. All in all, it looks pretty safe to purge them.



Indeed, as @ugnvs mentioned: Laptop-mode-tools are not part of the default install on 22.04 and 24.04.

As far as I remember (but I can be mistaken) it once was part of the default install but it hasn't been that way for many years now.

You can safely remove it.

It was indeed, long ago, part of default ubuntu install (previous to 10.04 LTS) but has been removed from the default install because of the following reasons:

The replacement for laptop-mode-tools is tlp which is installed by default


Thank you, Thom and Eugene, both of you. Much appreciated!

laptop-mode-tools/jammy,jammy,now 1.74-1.1 all [installed]
  Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status

I must have installed it at the time that I was trying to get access to control the CPU frequency.

I removed the package "laptop-mode-tools", and verified that my script is still working, using the "cpupower" utility, obtained thru the package "linux-tools-common", so all is good!

Regarding "tlp" that appears to not be installed by default, on UM 22.04 (now at UM 22.04.1 and still not showing), but I don't need that!


Thanks, that is good to know ! :slight_smile:

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