Latest 32 bit version and updates/upgrades

My old eee PC runs ubuntu mate 16.04, which is EOL. My questions:

  1. how can I still install programs, e.g. a compatible gnuplot-x11? When trying to do so, I receive an error message indicating that the repository was not found. I tried adapting sources.list but apparently incorrectly. What would be the correct way?
  2. I understand that there is still a 32 bit version of ubuntu mate 18.04 and more recent ones for Raspberry PI. Which one would run on my PC?
    Thank you very much for hints!
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I used the following device in QA-testing (Quality Assurance)

asus eepc 1000HE (intel atom n270, 1gb, intel mobile 945gse integrated), wireless RT2790

It ran & was used in QA-testing up to Ubuntu-MATE 18.04 LTS, but also later non-LTS Lubuntu/Xubuntu 18.10 & 19.04 as those flavors continued creating ISOs into the disco (or 19.04) cycle.

eeePCs however vary with the CPU they include; the n270 I provided specs for would run only the OSes I mentioned, however some later intel atoms would run 19.10, 20.04 & beyond (inc. Ubuntu-MATE 22.04 LTS).

The CPU details you didn't provide will tell you what yours will run.

Be aware Ubuntu-MATE 18.04 LTS is end of life, though the parts of it in common with Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS still receive upgrades & security fixes; which is actually a considerable portion of the system; you can confirm this using the command ubuntu-support-status on your actual system.

(Lubuntu & Xubuntu which had later release(s) of i386 systems may have allowed later software, however even 18.10/19.04 reached EOL well before 18.04 LTS did)

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Thanks a lot!
dmidecode shows (among many other things):

System Information
Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer INC.
Product Name: 1005HA
Version: x.x

Version: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz

Memory Module Information
Socket Designation: DIMM0
Bank Connections: 0 1
Current Speed: Unknown
Installed Size: 2048 MB (Double-bank Connection)
Enabled Size: 2048 MB (Double-bank Connection)
Error Status: OK
Graphics Controller
Model: "Intel Mobile 945GSE Express Memory Controller Hub"
Device: pci 0x27ac "Mobile 945GSE Express Memory Controller Hub"
IRQ: 23 (279452 events)
Model: "Intel 945 GME"
Device: pci 0x27ae "945 GME"
IRQ: 23 (279452 events)
Model: "Intel Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller"
Device: pci 0x27a6 "Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller"

Would this CPU (n270 but NOT n270I, as you write) support the later versions of Mate?

I only see that I said n270

That paste is taken from a list of the machines I use in QA-testing (a list of 25+ boxes) though I do see a "n270 I provided" later where the n270 was the cpu model, and "I provided" my continuing to "talk".

ie. from what you provided; yours appears to match mine closely enough that I can say you could use up to Ubuntu 19.04 which was the last release with full upgrades & security fixes for i386 systems, with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (which includes Ubuntu-MATE) as far some packages (those in common with Ubuntu Desktop) still received upgrade/fixes.

I can't recall how well it runs, as it's been a long time since I last did any QA-testing with that box (ie. last was prior to release of 18.04.5 in August 2020 so I don't remember how well, but you can boot live media & confirm that yourself.

The last 18.04 media created was 18.04.6, however as all flavors of Ubuntu (including Ubuntu-MATE) had already reached EOL, they did not produce media or support it (just like Ubuntu-MATE & other flavors didn't provide media for Ubuntu 16.04.7 etc).

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You could also use MX linux if you want a 32-bit version.


Another possibility is Debian which still supports 32-bit architecture and has MATE-desktop installable

(It is not as polished as Ubuntu-MATE but absolutely usable)