Ran update on a desktop today. Now most menu bars are missing from my system. Caja, Libre, Filezilla, Firefox, Google Chrome etc (Gimp still has it's menu bar). Tried different keystroke combos, but nothing changes? Can not find any settings in the control panel.
Laptop update last night, and menu bar disappeared in Caja, and my Pictures folder is gone. Had an image in it as a wallpaper, but they all seem to be gone - including the folder?
Hi just a question on menu bars. From image would the missing be 1,2, or 3?
Just want to be sure of issue in my mind.
I have UM22.04.2 Dell Laptop which just did Kernel Linux 5.15.0-73-generic x86_64 on 31 May 2023 and a couple of minor updates today. Image taken just before posting this.
Thanks. Maybe try procedure in image. Open a folder window at same time and you can see changes. Doubt it is problem as you mention Gimp works, but that said is Gimp an Appimage, Flatpack, Snap or Deb seeing as it is only one working.
Just checked the laptop. Somehow the menu bar resolved itself, because i did not change anything. I had already checked adjacent folders for the Pictures folder, but I had not checked the trash. That is where it was - so, laptop is fine.
That's good. Next suggestion had in line would have been to reboot but figured if it updated yesterday to new kernel it would have suggested a reboot. I had issue where a regular update that did not say to update messed up an app I had and reboot resolved it.
Thanks for the help mendy. I tried both the placement in the windows preferences, and tried another theme + reverting to my saved theme. Still no menu bar. I did reboot after the update, but I think it would be better to finish the what I am working on now. Shutdown, go to bed and fire it up in the morning and see if perhaps something didn't finish updating like the laptop seemed to have happen.
My bad was not focused and misread your menu bar description and was seeing the top mendy and not the bar you mentioned. I was seeing 1 while you were 2
Did find this at reddit for Ubuntu don't know if it applies to MATE
but don't think it applies as I have the menu bar (and you indicate you did have), have not found how to turn off/on as in Firefox. Still checking haven't hit on correct search term yet.
Yes, the menu bar is #2 in your graphic. This am it was still missing. Funny how much I miss it since it disappeared. I had already tried the "ctrl + home" in your first link - as well as alt + F2-F12 and ctrl + F2-F12. Nothing reacts. Got some work that needs to finish, and then I will use the four fixes in Welcome > Software > Fixes
I agree. Still looking have not yet found how to turn it off in my system or what implements it.
Another question. As I understand it if you open Gimp it has similar to #2
but opening other apps such as Inkscape, LibreOffice or other they don't have #2 showing.
In my Firefox (.tar version) it is controlled by image:
and my LibreOffice is by enabling a button following directions from here:
I can not get to the View menu to enable the Toolbar > Menu Bar - even using keyboard commands. So far, only Gimp, and Blender have Menu Bars. Caja, Filezilla, the Terminal, gThumb, Scribus, and a bunch of others are missing their Menu Bar - including the Libre Suite. In this screen shot I have Menu Bars on the left and no Menu Bars on the right.
On my Firefox the alt key turns on/off the menubar.
Maybe as simple test on gThumb would be to completely remove and then reinstall it. Did not have and installed it and menu bars follow what I believe to be the GTK3 paradigm. Bottom image was right click on file and open with gThumb. Top is gThumb opened after I created a launcher, did not seem to create on it's own. Not totally sure if MATE Desktop is the controller of the menu bar. Looks like gThum in your image is just the top bar.
do you have global menu applet installed? I think I see a piece of it in your screenshot. "B" is for Blender, which is the active app.
Use gsettings get org.mate.panel object-id-list command in your terminal and check the output for 'appmenuapplet'. It grabs your application menu and displays it in your panel.
Did a small update last night, and today more menu bars reappeared. Firefox is back and toggles with the alt switch. gThumb finishes loading correctly now. In the photo I posted it shows "gthumb" in it's title bar, and a partial transparent upper left corner of it's window. Now, it flashes "gthumb" in the title bar, and then changes to the name of the last folder that was opened. As it changes all the icons/menus appear in the title bar left and right side.
Hi Ironfoot,
I don't remember installing a global menu anything. However, that icon launches new Firefox windows, and new "private" Firefox windows. I believe it was an extension Firefox recommended after an update not long ago. The gsettings command gets this
Progress, noticed in your screenshot VIEWBUG has the new GTK3 menu bar which as far as I know it is function of app. Ran into it when (don't remember version) updated OS and when I opened Bleachbit it took awhile to figure out that the Hamburger Button launched drop down items. Item 1
Now for Firefox if you prefer alt to switch on and off you can leave it, but if you want it to stay you will have to check Menu Bar in image, then alt has no effect, uncheck to enable alt switching.
It is preconfigured to be used with certain layouts. At least Contemporary and Cupertino layouts are using global menu out of the box. If you are using one of these, the upgrade process could have restored your previously deleted global menu applet (just a possible scenario).
I am talking here about this tiny piece of (I believe) letter 'B', not the surrounding icons.
I think your panel applets are overlapping, and this 'B' is coming from global menu applet trying to display word 'Blender'. As an example, I attach screenshots of global menu in Contemporary layout with Blender and Caja.
Note that Caja menu has moved to the panel, and Blender keeps its menu inside window. Blender is probably not supporting protocol required to export menu to the global menu applet, so the applet only displays application name.
Obviously, 'appmenuapplet' is not listed. But you have a lot of manually added objects, and it is tedious to inspect each of them.
Your applets are overlapping. Try unlocking them from the panel and moving. Once you release the global menu applet, remove it from your panel and re-login. That's the easiest solution.
Ultimately, you were correct in pointing to the panel. That partial icon was not blender, but that area was overloaded. I simply right clicked a blank area and choose "reset all panels" and the mess of missing menu bars was gone. I can set up customizing the panel again with the understanding that too many can damage things. Thank you for the help.
When global menu applet crashes, you see the following window.
If you choose to keep the applet in your configuration, it later appears misplaced.
notification area applet;
global menu applet (misplaced);
indicator applet complete.
So, I recommend you to start your panel customization choosing some layout not including global menu out of the box. You may check available preconfigured layouts in MATE Tweak. Hope your problems with menu are gone now.