Libre Office Impress crashes with powerpoint

I have tried to make Ubuntu Mate my daily driver but I keep running into things I cannot accomplish outside of Windows. I decided to give Libre Impress a try and work with some Power Points I need for a meeting. If I load a PPTX (current version) of power point, it crashes almost immediately in Libre Impress. If I take the same power point in Windows and save it to a PPT (2010 version), Impress runs it but it will not incorporate the audio files. If I open Libre Office in Windows, it loads and plays the Power Points without trouble. Why does Libre Office Impress not work on the Linux side? Will I have to learn Vitual Machines and load Windows on vitual machine in Linux to use Power Point instead?
I am running Ubunutu Mate 21.10 Impish and Libre Office I have looked various places and it seems there are no real answers to the Libre Office/ppt crashes except for vitual machine.

The only things I can recommend are the following:

  1. Use FreeOffice or OnlyOffice as an alternative to LibreOffice. I have had good results using both with simple files of PowerPoint, Excel, and Word. Your mileage may vary.

  2. If you are using the Snap version of LibreOffice, try the Flatpak version or the older version from the Debian repository using the Synaptic package manger or using the “apt” command on the terminal. Ubuntu is shipping more apps as Snaps which can have issues. Not saying that’s the problem - just trying to rule it out.

  3. If none of those options work, Microsoft has a limited version of their office suite online at - perhaps give that a try that but it is very watered down. Also try the Google suite of office products.

I don’t know what else to offer in a workaround. Hopefully someone else can chime in to provide a better solution for you.



I did a SNAP LIST query on my UM21.10 and LibreOffice is not a Snap. Here are the Snaps included with UM21.10...

Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
bare 1.0 5 latest/stable canonical✓ base
core18 20211215 2284 latest/stable canonical✓ base
core20 20220114 1328 latest/stable canonical✓ base
firefox 97.0-2 941 latest/stable/… mozilla✓ -
gnome-3-38-2004 0+git.cd626d1 87 latest/stable canonical✓ -
gtk-common-themes 0.1-59-g7bca6ae 1519 latest/stable canonical✓ -
gtk-theme-yaru-mate 21.04.6 6 latest/stable/… flexiondotorg -
icon-theme-yaru-mate 21.04.6 1 latest/stable/… flexiondotorg -
snapd 2.54.2 14549 latest/stable canonical✓ snapd
software-boutique 0+git.f633ffb 54 latest/stable/… flexiondotorg classic
ubuntu-mate-welcome 21.10.0-5c1a3571 657 latest/stable/… flexiondotorg classic

LibreOffice is part of the Ubuntu repository - you have the same one I have. Anyway, Bernie mentioned WPS is another choice - for sure - try that too. Whatever works. Good luck...

WPS office is also an option, personally I use and prefer Free Office, though I am working with them on a bug rn :smiley: but In my experience they have probably the best compatibility with microsoft documents that I have found

Why is it then, that I don't have that problem at my end with same LO ?


Sorry. I have been in Linux a few years and have learned a lot but not familiar with LO? Loopback? I need some help. Thanks...

Epiphany after hitting enter. LibreOffice maybe?

yupp! LO is shortcut for LibreOffice :grinning:

Hello Rick_Rufenacht

Here's a radical thought - why not create the presentations in LibreOffice Impress from the very begining? :slightly_smiling_face:

I am using powerpoints already created and tweaking to make them line up with my presentation. I don't want to re-create the whole thing.