Libre office issue

I got the upgrade to LO

All fine except that the French help pack simply disappeared.
I did download their latest helppack_fr... but when installing it tells me there is a problem with dependencies...

Maybe there is a simple solution that didn't hit me as obvious...

Others here had similar problem ?



Here is my experience with 7 (fresh) versión on Ubuntu Mate 20.04, not related with your french pack but maybe using the (still) version solves your problem:
LO 7 has a memory issue when you use it for example all day editing one important document, after hours working the scrolling becomes unusable, downgraded to 6.4 using the PPAs and tested againg with the same workflow and everything works just fine!
So, maybe 6.4 is ok with the lang help too, give it a try!

Hello Watford

I'm using (Flatpak), English - no unusual behaviour. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have no problem with the se. I am on UM 20.10
Working fine - so still working with it. Except that the French help-pack didn't follow the Oct 22 update, contrary to the usual.
It should update to soon I guess and maybe the help-pack will work


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