Libreoffice base no longer installs successfully

A few days ago was able to install libreoffice base with software boutique. Using Ubuntu-mate 20.04 on HP pavilion 23 and Windows 8.1. No errors found when booted to live install of Ubuntu-mate. But today when I tried to install libreoffice base get error failed to download package files. Failed to fetch ““. Am able to install other applications in software boutique such as BleachBit etc. tried “sudo apt-get update”. Then tried software boutique again with no error installing base. But then when I try to start any office application get error Ubuntu 20.04 has experienced an internal error. Package libreoffice-core 1:6.4.6-0ubuntu0.20.04.1. Soft ice.bin crashed with SIGABRT in uno_type_any_assign().

Checking further the file Software boutique is trying to fetch does not exist: "". There is a similar file ... drivers_6.4.6-0 .... but if I download that file and try to install get message that "An older version is available in a software channel ... are recommended to install version from the software channel ..."

Hello Steve-YL

I do not personally like the separation of Base from the rest of the LibreOffice environment. Some months ago I started using LibreOffice as a Flatpak. I use it daily, although I have to specify that I have no on-going Base projects at the moment. I have not encountered any problems. :slightly_smiling_face:

Flathub (the main source of Flatpak-packaged software):

See also the "Quick Setup Guide for Ubuntu":

If you decide to try LibreOffice as a Flatpak, I suggest you install a program from Flathub called "Flatseal":
It allows you to see and change the permissions of programs you install as Flatpaks (GUI).

The link for LibreOffice is:

Declaration of interest - I support the Document Foundation (Patreon). :slightly_smiling_face:

Let us know how you get on, or if you need more assistance. :penguin: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you alpinejohn for your suggestion, but I am running a live version of Ubuntu-Mate and do not know if it is possible to restart without losing the installation of new software?

Why is the following link missing. "" Do i need to update Software Boutique and how do i do it? Have already tried "upgrade installed packages" in Software Boutique but that just uses up all my memory with a Live installation of Ubuntu-Mate and does not solve the installation problem with Libreoffice Base. I was able to install Libreoffice Base multiple times in the past every time I rebooted Ubuntu-Mate.