Location on panel weather plugin

Hello everybody, I have a question about the panel weather plugin.
How can I improve location search? Among the available ones I do not find mine or reasonably close to my position.
The weather plugins available in lxde, xfce, and gnome-shel (OpenWeather) do not have this problem, allowing you to find all the locations. Probably they are based on different databases / services, is it possible modify the mate plugin because it receives data from the same sources?

I have already tried the subject but …
My-weather-plugin (more suggest) does not work on ubuntu-mate 17.10 (dev branch)
And I would like to use the plugin included in the panel, and plugged in to the clock

Thanks in advance

Indeed the weather plugin is very limited and has been for some time.
this thread may be of help to you. https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/more-locations-on-mate-clock-weather-applet/8102

Thank you for the reply.
I had already seen that discussion, and unfortunately sometimes my-weather, which I already use with ubuntu-unity, gives me some problems with ubuntu-mate 17.10. I suppose this is related to the updates of this developing version … so I was hoping there would be news for the official plugin