Login loop on first boot

I am being asked for a login and password on a first boot of Ubuntu mate 1910 any ideas for a fix for this?



Go to Control Panel > Administration > User > Allow manual login and Username.
Or Administration > Users and Groups > Password > Asked at login > Change

Watch when installing, when you set the password there is a box to check, not asked at login.

If for some reason you don't have users and groups, installing "gnome-system-tools" will provide that administration function.

Thanks Jymm
I may have omitted to say that i am logging in from a Raspberry Pi and its through a terminal that i am trying to login form so no access to the image just yet.

However I think there was issues with the image that I was using (obtained from Raspberrypi.org :roll_eyes: :gun:) and I have now installed a better more reliable image from the download section here.

Thanks again for the help
