Login screen flickers, password chars get lost

Hi there!

I’ve installed the Ubuntu Mate 16.04 Beta and I think I am observing a bug in the login screen:

Often shortly after the login screen has loaded, the screen flickers and if I am already entering the password when that happens, a few characters get lost and the password is not accepted so I have to reenter it a second time.

Has anybody else seen this problem? Is there a fix to be applied?

A similar bug report


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thanks! subscribed.

Let’s see if some dev comes up with a solution :slight_smile:

Can more people confirm that they are also experiencing a short screen flickering right after the login screen appears?

Yes, I can confirm I am experiencing the same issue with Mate 16.04.
The workaround #9 at https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/1531224 works for me.

I have the same issue (Dell Latitude E6420). Workaround does not work for me (the mentioned file is not there).