Logitech k400r half working

hello Ubuntu Mate Community, i’m looking to finding some help, i have a logitech k400r.
now the odd thing is that the keyboard works fully, no issues at all, its just the track pad that is unresponsive but right click works.
i have instaled the Solaar app and it has paired, but still an unresponsive trackpad?
i have also added the max_usb_current=1

i’m trying this on a raspberry pi 2 Model B v1.1

do any of you guys have any suggestions?

thanks for your time

I use this model on regular ubuntu, but found some features were not working. Strange swipes, double tapping on trackpad not sensed etc. The solution was some hidden commands - press the Fn button bottom left (blue) and in combination press trackpad buttons. I found Fn + right track pad button toggled unwanted swipe commands, whilst Fn + left button toggled trackpad tapping. In other words, your solution might be found by Fn + ?

Not a complete answer, but just to say that there are hidden commands and there is perhaps another to toggle on/off your trackpad.