Looking for a way to go

Greetings !

Since a long time i am looking for "a way to go", a way to get a desktop setup just the way i need for personal stuff and my work. So as i am waiting for a new hard drive to come, i spend some times to change things and try to figure out a good setup for the the working year to come.
As many, i have tried a lot of desktop and even distro (not that much anyway) and i am sure that i want to stay on Debian/Ubuntu base. I love apt !!
So my last competitors those days are Unity and Mate.
I feel unity just efficient to do and "catch" things especially to mange windows in use and multi-desktop tasks ... it works also well on this device. Ubuntu Mate is a growing up community wich is exiting, a fair project close to GNU values and the desktop is SO configurable !!
So, anyway i just put my trying over here and ... let's share something, whatever it is, screenshots, opinions ...
So, you, how do "y' ubuntMATE ?"
I like to use compiz because it solve screen tearing (compton does too) and it allow to quickly show windows if many open ...
About the device
i5 760 Intel
GTX 460 Nvidia
8 go of ram
Asus motherboard
nvidia driver on

let's go !

1st try was with plank

the 2nd one in use now, almost defaut Ubuntu Mate + compiz


To me, the beautiful of Linux isn't just about style and customs, it is much more. It is to find a way to appreciate computing and get free to organize it the way we like, released from imposed desktops paradigms (such as proprietary software) through sharing knowledge of softwares.

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New hard drive, new desktop, so i looks like i go Mate ! :grin:

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