Looking to change my forum username

Looking to change my username on the forum to @dissidenttux.
I have attempted to find an active forum moderator to contact in order to make this change, but could not.

I think you might have to be patient and a leader will step in as in this post:
There AFIK a lot of varying factors as forum is run on a subset of Discourse software based on needs and features determined by this forum's leaders.
Also it is run by volunteers who depending on software and personal obligations for free time will have to check to make sure new name is available and not sure what is involved moving your profile to new name whether automatically or manually. Don't think it is a one click operation. Think as in linked post a moderator will step in in same manner.


Thank you for the response. I looked for an official response. I checked the forum to see if there was another @dissidenttux, but I have yet to find one. This is my name for literally every other forum.

Otherwise, I am looking for any leader to initiate a deletion if possible so that I can use my preferred perma-name.

Hi, @novelUser (Michael "Cal" Krug) :slight_smile:

To change your forum username here in the "Ubuntu MATE Community" discussion forums (from novelUser to dissidenttux), I believe the best we can do is to mention @moderators (as I'm doing right now) and hope that one of the Moderators takes notice of this request.


Thanks @ricmarques (Ricardo),
This is a good learning experience for me. I did not know you could ping every moderator on this forum software (by the way, what is the forum software? It looks nice!).


You're welcome, @novelUser (Michael) :slight_smile:

I know that these "Ubuntu MATE Community" Discussion Forums - https://ubuntu-mate.community/ - are based on / powered by the open source forum software called "Discourse " - https://www.discourse.org/

You can read more about "Discourse" at "What is Discourse? | Discourse - Civilized Discussion" - https://www.discourse.org/about - The source code is available from their GitHub Repository at "GitHub - discourse/discourse: A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple." - https://github.com/discourse/discourse


Not going to lie, I've seen other Discourse forums and distro websites. Ubuntu Mate's is by far my favorite.


Notice: This account has and will be anonymized and deleted to the best of my ability. A new account (@dissidenttux) will be made in its place.

Thanks @novelUser, consider the matter resolved. You may sleep now.


Welcome @dissidenttux to the community!


Hi @dissidenttux,

Apologies, I only just seen this now. If mods don't have the ability to rename accounts, admins (like me!) certainly can.

However, since upgrading the software, we now have the new ability to merge accounts.

Shall I do that? @novelUser@dissidenttux

Or we could completely anonymize the old account?

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