Lost Folder Colors

DId an update on 15.04 today…seems I have lost the Folder Colors. Doesn’t show when I right click a folder.


try running this terminal command (Ctrl + Alt + t):

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f

as its working for me after a brand new install (today) of UM15.04 Beta!.

@parzzix I heard this may happen, the Folder Color author has bumped the version to add some features and address an error. I’ll find out how existing systems can be repaired.

We made this change in 15.04 to prevent the exact problem you experienced with people upgrading from 15.04 to15.10.

They seem to be back after I did an update this morning @Wimpy. I had to reset them all, but it works again.

Hi! Folder Color developer here |o/

I had to remove the ‘scalable’ icons (in the version 0.0.62) and maybe you could lost colorized icons in your beta. I’m so sorry about that. If you have any problem with this issue, I’ll help you to fix it in this thread or here.

Hi @parzzix ! Please, could you tell me the exactly problem?

Issue 1. Did you lost the Folder Color contextual menu?
Issue 2. or Did you lost the colorized folders?

Issue 1. I’m thinking you didn’t update the “folder-color-common” package :slight_smile: Could it be? For updates, please, run this command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install folder-color-common folder-color-caja

Issue 2. Well… As I removed the “scalable” icons. Then, you lost them with the update. If it’s your case, you should recovery them with these commands:

sudo su -
cd /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/places/
ln -s ../../48x48/places/foldercolor*.svg .
gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor

Any issue or feedback is always welcome! Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Best regards!

It resolved itself on an update again @costales

Nice they work on the Numix folder icons! Now they are actually kinda pretty, lol.

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Same happened to me after upgrade to Mate 15.10. (from 15.04.) - I have lost the contextual menu in Gaja.
I tried all the tips, but still nothing.

Yep, the is a regression in Caja Extensions which only allows 1 plugin to work at a time. Fix being worked on…

Oh, OK. Thanks. Not a big deal for me.