Ls show immutable attribute?

Is there a way to get ls to show the immutable attribute ?

I know lsattr shows it, but it does have as many options as ls.

Combine with grep?

And since your asking for support, I will move you to that forum.

I did not give enuf info in my first post.

I need the info that this produces plus whether the immutable attrib is set.

ls -lAxot --time-style=+%m-%d-%Y’

Once again it would help to know what you need this for. If this is part of a script and action needs to be taken based on findings, there may be another way of doing it.

If you just need to use this as a command that shows you directory listings with options ‘lAxot’ and additionally i or - for immutable status, then you may need to do some scripting yourself.

I need the 2nd reason you listed.

I have done scripting but this is beyond my current knowledge.

I got a good answer from vasa1.

lsattr -R | grep -E “^----i” | awk ’ { print $2 } ’ | xargs ls -lAxot --time-style=+%m-%d-%Y

work for you? While the immutable attribute isn't expressly mentioned in the final output, the output is only for files with the immutable attribute because of the grep regex. 

Is there a code option available or is the quotes the only option ?