I bought a HP Compaq DC7900 off Ebay along with a 2TB drive. I installed Ubuntu Mate 15.04 Beta 1 64-bit. It ran great for a couple days. Today It was running slow and finally it crashed. When I rebooted, I got this on the screen :https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2014278/ubuntuMAte.jpg . This is the third 2TB drive I have had in the last month.I have had similar problem with Manjaro Linux and I was hoping a switch to Ubuntu Mate would fix things. Any ideas on what is causing this problem? I thought it was the hard drive, but I don’t know. Could it be the motherboard?
I have a 80GB drive with Windows, elementaryOS, and CrunchBang previously installed on it. I used that drive with no problem. It seems that I when I install a new OS on this hardware it will work for a couple days and then slow down and crash.
I am at my whits end and I need some help. Thanks in advance.
Right now, I's bot fsck running. I'll have to see what happens after that finishes. Maybe I'll need to replace the motherboard. Accoring to the eBay seller, he put the last drive on a lond-run test (5-6 hours) before he sent it.
On another note, thanks for making this great distro and thanks for giving back to the FOSS community. I'm a poor guy, trying to pay off my student loans, but I'll donate when I can.
@Wimpy A friend of mine suggested that I should update the BIOS. I updated it from v1.16 to v1.26. According to the documentation, v1.26 adds support for HDDs over 2.2TB. Hopefully, that will fix the problem. It is running fine so far.
With my HP, I downloaded the BIOS .exe on my Windows machine and ran it to extract the needed files. One of the files included a small .iso file. I burned the .iso to a CD, stuck it in the HP and booted. After boot I hit F10 to get into the BIOS area. From the menu, I selected “flash new rom” From there I selected CD and then the new BIOS file. In 30 second it was done.
That is my experience. It may not be the same for you. What brand and model do you have?
Ah, I see. It's a NUC. Here are a couple instructions on Intel's site: http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/sb/CS-022312.htm. There are a couple that allow you to update the BIOS without having Windows. However, I would not recommend updating your BIOS unless you need to do so to fix a problem. If you don't have any problems, don't fool with it.