Make greeter transparent

Having used Ubuntu since 12.10 > 14.04 LTS I prefer a transparent greeter vs the default UM greeter. I posted both here and Ubuntu Forum and found a solution on Ubuntu Forum Here are the steps that worked for me:

  1. re-install unity-greeter [computer had Ubuntu 16 installed with Mate desktop]

  2. mkdir /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d

  3. create file 99_myconfig.conf containing


sudo must be used to insure proper ownership :slight_smile:
Upon reboot I was able to choose either Mate or Ubuntu and the greeter box was transparent.
I will try this on my laptop which has only Ubuntu Mate 16



Thank you for the instructions. I do quite like the transparent greeter. :slight_smile:

In 3 lines of terminal commands: :ok_hand:

sudo apt-get install unity-greeter --no-install-recommends
sudo mkdir /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/
echo -e "[Seat:*]\ngreeter-session=unity-greeter" | sudo tee --append /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/99_myconfig.conf

Under Ubuntu MATE 16.04, it's a bit blank:

Customization options are in dconf-editor under com.canonical.unity-greeter

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Hello everyone tried to make changes in dconf
none of the changes stuck is there away to reverse this.

@linuxuser701 If your question relates to the specific name of the background


That is hard coded so you can’t change the name. To achieve placing your own image as background you can rename the images. I strongly suggest that your image is a .png. You may use gimp to change a jpg image to png by using the export feature.

sudo mv /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png  /usr/share/backgrounds/
sudo cp YOUR COMPLETE IMAGE NAME /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png
sudo update-grub


Thanks Pete I will try this you hammer the right nail. I am going to wait until i can install 16.04 on my desktop. It will be my stable machine So i can fool around and break things on my laptop. It feels good to use linux i have messed things up a lot but it is my fault and can usually be fixed that and viruses on my previous os is why i switched to puppy first then ubuntu 9,04 and have used linux ever sense,

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