MATE 15.10 on Intel NUC5i7RYH

Hi all,

Like Martin I am running MATE 15.10 on an INTEL NUC with a core i7 processor. It’s hooked up to a 27 inch Dell running 2560x1440.

I will gladly post my technical review later on, however I wanted to know if anyone can tell me how to get my login screen to a decent resolution? the GTK greeter configurator does not have any resolution options and I didn’t want to muck around the config files.

Also could it be a grub 2.0 setting?


New to the community lagoon7!!!

Hi @lagoon7 and welcome,

this is a tad old but might help you (LDM):

For MDM:

@lagoon7 Interesting. My greeter is at the correct resolution no isses? What resolution is your greeter displaying at?

Looks like 1024x768.

Sent from Mailbox

So I followed wolfman’s instructions, the greeter resolution is still
1024x768 using the script. I didn’t have a lighted.conf file so I created
one. There is a users.con and a lighted-greeters-gdm.conf file. Should that
script setting be in one of these files? However after I login the screen
resolution goes to the default from the script created. Although this is
minor, I can’t seem to install the mint display manager, due to a conflict.
In addition, with switching to gdm from lightdm, that breaks the entire
login greeter system. I used “dpkg-reconfigure lightdm”.

What is the recommended login manager for MATE? Can I apply themes to it?
Does it have a way to set the resolution in a config file? Should we use
GDM instead of lighted for configurability?

I really like the flat look desktops and themes, such as Numix so I am
trying to customize the greeter with a flat login screen and Numix or flat
desktop theme.

Right now I am testing both 15.10 and your 16.04 beta in a VM before
installing or upgrading 15.10 on the NUC.