Mate 20.04 64 Pi4 : sources unreachable


(so I cannot update the system...and so can't upgrade to 20.10)

Issues with the sources it seems : software updater tells me : "Failed to download repository information".
Of course my internet connection works fine.

I've wandered the internet ans the forums, tried to fix the sources...not working.

Any idea ?


This is very similar to this : Download issues when updating RPI 3
But there is no satisfying answer...

Hi @Vincent_Toraille :slight_smile:

Try to uncheck all software ppa inside this menu as first step of resolution :slight_smile:

Welcome to Ubuntu MATE community!

Please open terminal and execute the below command

sudo apt-get update

and then share its output in reply.

Please note that Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is long term-supported release, it is now supported.

So you should replace all and to

Programmatically this maybe done by

sudo sed -i "s/fr.old-releases/archive/g" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list
sudo sed -i "s/old-releases/archive/g" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list

and then rerun

sudo apt-get update

That was from a previous try...
I did what you proposed, same result.

It seems the link like this on are unreachable :

Understood, so we need to change archive to ports with

sudo sed -i "s/archive.ubuntu/ports.ubuntu/g" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list

and then run

sudo apt-get update

I re-created the sources.list, using what is proposed at the end of that page (using mirrors):

Sudo apt update does download some info BUT then no upgrades fro mthe terminal and the tool "solftware updated" does return an error message.

Also I tried to upgrade to 20.10 from the terminal with: sudo do-release-upgrade -d
But it says: Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release.