I was wondering, if anyone else is having this problem. I’m trying to setup ubuntu mate on a Cubietruck (Allwinner A20) for a general-purpose desktop PC. I’ve successfully compiled the mainline u-boot and the stage/sunxi-3.4 kernel. I’ve put the kernel and u-boot on a sd-card and configured the necessary settings. The rootfs has however been put on a SATA SSD that is connected directly to the board.
I can boot the device normally, and I get the first-boot configuration screen on the MATE desktop on my HDMI monitor. After finishing the configuration, the system will proceed to configure some things like the locale, but then the window just disappears, and the whole system is stuck at that point.
Any ideas why? If I try an older lubuntu rootfs, I can boot fine into a command prompt.
I don’t know. What does a “correct” fstab look like? It was empty the first time I opened it and I put only one line inside: “/dev/sda / ext4 defaults,noatime,commit=600 0 2”. I’ve yet to add a mount point for /boot and maybe tmpfs on /tmp, perhaps tmpfs on /var/log after everything works fine.
Anyway, I don’t think this is the problem because the system boots up fine into the mate desktop. It’s only after the first boot configuration window is finished it becomes hanged and the desktop doesn’t load. It would seem that the process gets stuck and never completes. Upon reboot the first boot screen will reappear again. Funny that I can CTRL+ALT+F2 to get a new tty login, but I can’t login due to some PAM restriction claiming that no logins allowed because the system is still booting.
Did you ever figure out how to fix this issue? I’m running into the same problem I’ve got no idea where to go from here. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!