Mate Desktop Removal

I recently installed Ubuntu server 18.04 and decided to try the Mate Desktop. After a few weeks, I decided it wasn't for me, and uninstalled it with "sudo apt-get remove mate-desktop".

Upon rebooting, the Mate desktop login screen appeared. Not the command line I was hoping for. When I log in, I get a desktop with Plank, Desktop, and Clock showing at the bottom. Nothing else. Ctrl-Alt-T doesn't work, in fact no shortcut key combos work. I can't seem to do anything except log in and shut down with Ctrl-Alt-Del.

I tried bringing up Grub by holding shift while rebooting, and that did not work either. I can enter the bios at startup, which means I could boot from a USB stick probably if needed.

I really don't want to wipe everything and start from scratch. Hoping someone here has a suggestion that will at least get me to terminal so I can do something.

You can get to a terminal by booting with your USB install disk.

If I were in your position, I would re-install Ubuntu server (minimal install) without formatting your root partition. This would probably get you a working system with the least destruction.

Good luck @Jake.

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Thank you, @mdooley. I'll give that a try.