Mate-screensaver crash revisited ( Ubuntu-MATE 20.04 LTS )

Why do we need this homebrew script on stable LTS system?

Hi Norbert, thanks for your input. :slight_smile:

First, let me apologise. I was not completely clear about this bug.
The bug is not only in 20.04 but also in later versions.
But 20.04 is at the moment the only supported version with that bug that I know of.
I have 22.04 on my other computer but that computer is never running longer than a few hours contiguously so I haven't been able to check that yet.

Let's go back a bit in history:
mate-screensaver stops working after a certain amount of time.
It used to crash and resulted in questions like:


While the bug was reported here:
mate-screensaver crashed with SIGSEGV in matemenu_tree_item_ref()

I knew it would be a lot of time and patience to debug this because the bug only presented itself after many hours of running.

Therefore I made a workaround for myself, (including catching the error if it crashed) and also shared it:

You also referenced it in another case:

Some time ago the crashing seems to be fixed.
It no longer crashes but just stops working.

Bugreport is here:

Since the old workaround reacted on the crash by restarting mate-screensaver, I created a new workaround, tested it for about 150 hours and shared it here.

It waits for the errormessage, kills mate-screensaver and starts it again.

The problem that I solve is that mate-screensaver keeps on working, even after erroring out.

I ran apport just now, but besides the usual information it did not contained the error-output of mate-screensaver so I hesitate.

Would you like me to run apport nevertheless ?

Oh, b.t.w. , In this story, for clearness sake, I ignored the fact that mate-screensaver is started several times at boot by default. That is something I will address when I find out where that comes from
( systemd | /etc/xdg-autostart | .config/autostart )

If I broke some houserules with this, please accept my sincere apologies.