Mate search tool cannot find content

Hello there, I am on 16.04.

What is wrong with Mate search tool? It cannot find words in the contents of a .odt or .doc document? Not even a pdf?

Is anyone writing a Phd with Mate on board? How can that be? How can you find your stuff?

If this is normal to this tool, what should I do? Not Windows again I hope?

Should I install wine and Google desktop?

Thanks for helping

No answer to this one
So How does one can search documents from files, with a key word, but that documents be scanned other then by their title only ?
Is there an add-on for that ?

In fact the Mate Search Tool does it. But is there an add-on to CAJA that would achieve same ?


Mate search tool is not finding text within the body of a .pdf for me using >Select more options>Contains the text>

Sure like to know what to enable on U-Mate 18.04.1 to get this working.

I don’t think the reason is security related, as Caja is generating thumbnails… therefore the file is being opened in the background and scanned for content at least a little bit. Why shouldn’t it be able to scan for text then?

I have the same issue and at times I fire up w10 to search in folders.

The Catfish package searches the contents of files. Maybe it will solve the problem.