Mathematica support

Does anyone know if Mathematica is available for Ubuntu Mate? Will it run on 16.04?
Or, is it proprietary to the Raspian crowd? Thanks for any assistance.

There is a version of Mathematica for Linux. I haven’t tried the latest version, but I suppose it works. At least version 8 was working fine when I checked it.

Does this help?:

Thank you both. I will investigate those options tonight and report back here.

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It didn’t work. I could not find the “installer” program that was referenced. I will try the Repository.
If you know anymore about this subject I would greatly appreciate it .

Hi @N3JQD,

did you activate it as well?:

It works.

After you download the massive 3.6GiB shell archive file (, you need to make it executable – “chmod 755” and then

sudo ./

installs Mathmatica to /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/10.4.

It takes a LONG time on my quad core system. YMMV

I’ve forgotten how to run it :persevere: – startup stuff is in /usr/local/bin when install is finished.

EDIT: It creates a menu item in Applications too. Excellent!


No, I did not activate it yet. I have not had a moment to try the download.

But, I erased my Raspian to use the sc card for something else. So, there’s no going back to old Raspian.
Ubuntu, or bust.


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Raspberry PI or i386/AMD64? I tested it on AMD64.

Sorry, I should have been more explicit. RPi3. Overclocked and running great.
Thanks for your assistance.

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