I would like to display the icon trio of "Min/Max/Close" on both sides of the title bar. Years ago I was able to do so with the following command:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout "minimize,maximize,close:minimize,maximize,close"
It does not work for me now. I would appreciated if the needed command could be supplied, perhaps even using dconf-editor (I could not understand how to use its GUI) if
If you really need multiple instances of the same button, you need another windowmanager. I don't know if Compiz supports duplicate buttons but you might try it anyway.
o.k., looks like I have to "give-it-up". I liked having icons on both sides as more efficient, ie, go to the nearest icon trio when changing the screen.
Could you please tell me what "marco" is, and what is the GUI you show - curious
The GUI that I showed is called dconf-editor
It covers the capabilities of both commandlinetools 'gsettings' and 'dconf'.
'Marco' is the windowmanager you are using now.
It is the one piece of software that draws your windowborders (and buttons for that matter).
It is a fork of the Gnome2 windowmanager Metacity
You can replace 'Marco' with the other windowmanager 'Compiz' using MateTweak in the control-center.
o.k., thanks for the explanations. i have may fiddle with Compiz. I have used mate for years, beginning soon after Ubuntu did not seem to support a Classic or Gnome 2 menu. My satisfaction comes from liking pull down menus and using the MATE .iso for installation. I'll have to see what Compiz looks like.
I am guessing that I stopped adding the extra min-max-close icon when I switched to MATE.
You will notice no difference to Marco at first.
The keyboardshortcuts to manipulate windows are default a bit different from Marco but just as easy to configure to your liking.
Besides that: Compiz is graphically much more powerful (ever seen your windows go up in flames when closing ? )
Oh, in that case you can install Compiz by: sudo apt install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager picom
It will integrate automatically in mate-tweak
(I run 20.04 and 22.04 on different machines)