Minecraft Pi Edition Not Opening

I have ubuntu mate 16.04 on a raspberry pi 3 and I recently figured out how to install Minecraft Java Edition/ PC Edition on Ubuntu Mate. Now I want to play some Pi Editon Minecraft. I open it up and it shows the terminal for a millisecond. I really wanted to play Pi edition just because you can code with Python and do cool things that regular Minecraft cannot do. Please, somone help me fix this. A reply is always appreciated. :slight_smile:

What happens when you try to launch it from a terminal?

This can be tricky as the the full OpenGL driver (required for Minecraft Java Edition) has never been compatible with the old Broadcom driver + dispmanx.

The most straightforward way to fix Minecraft Pi Edition is to switch Ubuntu MATE back into the legacy Broadcom driver. Run sudo raspi-config to select the legacy driver then reboot. MATE 16.04 still keeps the names libEGL.so and libGLESv2.so and has a rudimentary launcher in /usr/bin, so then run:


Unfortunately with this approach you can’t swap between Minecraft Java Edition and Pi Edition without rebooting each time.

If you’d like to solve that: The Raspbian guys installed a load-time wrapper and switcher script. It’s a lot to explain how it works but perhaps could you find a Raspbian Stretch image and copy over /usr/bin/minecraft-pi along with /opt/minecraft-pi/lib/ ? Edit: You’d also need to sudo apt install libegl1-mesa-dev libgles1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev, and if there are any conflicts here you might need to work around it using apt-get download with local copying. Furthermore if the wrapped run is still missing a function or two–typically glAlphaFunc()–you must also modify the script to inject libGLEW.so via LD_PRELOAD. This workaround is hard enough for Raspbian and even trickier on Ubuntu MATE!

Thanks again jdonald for helping me fix this. Thank you, both for taking time out of your life to help me especially terzag. If you guys want to help me with some other forums go to these links. :smile: Also send me a link to your forum so I can help you guys. My link is unrelated to Minecraft. :sweat_smile:

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wait, what? what do i do? i'm so confused an am on a pi 4

When I wrote that three years ago, Raspberry Pi 4 had not yet been introduced. Now that the Pi 4 is here and it retired legacy brcmGLES, the first option of just running sudo raspi-config and toggling the driver won't work there.

That leaves the second option of setting up Mesa GLES1 with "mcrpi-wrapper", but as you can see it's pretty complicated and error-prone. I think you'd be better off flashing Raspbian instead of Ubuntu MATE?

Welcome to the forums.