Mint Software Manager

I would like to know how I can install mint’s software manager on ubuntu mate 16. I’ve tried “sudo apt-get install mintinstall” but it won’t work. Is there another way?

It would not be in the ubuntu repository as that is a mint only package, it may be possible to get it through a ppa, but that may not be good for your system, I would suggest for you to use the ubuntu software center, app grid may be available, or the software botique, otherwise you can use synaptic

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As @Bernie says, it’s not in the main Ubuntu repository but it seems you’ll be able to download a package manually. This site links to a package directly to the latest mintinstall:

It’s the “All arch deb package” button under the Download heading.

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I would also love to have mint software manager, it appears to include quite some software that is not availabe in the ubuntu software center. Since I won't be able to install secondary dependencies (UM software boutique "software" thoughts) - has anybody figured out a different way?

Any update for this? I want to try it out.

First you have to add the Linux Mint repository

To add Linux Mint repository to Ubuntu run the below is for Tessa 19.1

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb tessa main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mint.list' 

Now add the public key

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys A6616109451BBBF2  
sudo apt-get update

Now go to the Synaptic Package Manager and search for mintinstall it should show up and install it will also get all the dependencies along with the rest of Linux Mint software

I'm using Sublime from mintinstall Software Manager 8.0.9, and it's asking for a license, it's never done this before to the best of my knowledge. It's been way less than 3 years since I started using it. I believe I may have unauthorized access. Please help!

Steps to reproduce

Open txt file from usb drive on Linux machine.
receive msg that says: Enter your license key below. You can purchase one from:

Expected behavior:
I expected my text file to open in Sublime editor. Sublime Merge does the same thing.

Actual behavior:
I receive msg that says: Enter your license key below. You can purchase one from:

Sublime Text build number:

Operating system & version:
Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon

(Linux) Desktop environment and/or window manager:
Ubuntu 20.04 focal

Additional information:
It does it on Sublime Merge Unregistered, too. Again, it just started happening, it's never done this before.
Dev Channel, Build 2085

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Welcome @moderatedan to the community!

Short answer:

To end your worries, purchase a license here:

Long answer:

Since "sublime" is a non-free closed-source proprietary blob from a country where the government is stupid enough to think that the laws of mathematics don't appy in their country , I am not really surprised.

Some things you should know:

  1. Although Ubuntu-MATE is free software (free as in freedom), the applications that you can run on it don't have to be free software.
    If you don't want these kind of surprises in the future, please check the license of the software: GPL , LGPL , MIT, BSD , Apache and Mozilla licenses are worth to invest your time.

  2. Ubuntu-MATE is not Linux-Mint, so since you used the mint-installer to get packages from Linux-mint on your system, your post should actually be up on the messageboard of Linux-Mint instead of here. Or even better, on the messageboard of Sublime HQ Pty Ltd, Woollahra, Sydney :

  3. You use a proprietary commercial closed source app where the owner of the software seems to have decided to ask money, which is, although a bit inconvenient, not really surprising for a commercial app.

You either pay for the use or ditch it for some equivalent that is properly licensed

That is, pardon my french, pretty naive.
Following quote is from their site:

Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use.

Which is pretty straightforward an clear.

With proprietary blobs like "sublime" the expected behaviour is:"Enter your license key below. You can purchase one from:"
That is how commercial software works.

I know you would rather have sublime under a freedom respecting and permissive license. Somebody already took the first steps: IBM/Red Hat open source - General Discussion - Sublime Forum
Please give them your support.

For now it does. But don't worry. Sublime Merge will also be payware soon, just wait.