Missing or broken software on 22.04

  1. wine 32 bit from repository breaks the system-wine 32 bit Appimage works keyboard only partially.

  2. gksu is missing -can be installed and works nice on 22.04.

  3. dosemu from 18.04 works

  4. gimp heal selection plugin missing - works after installing python2 and python gimp

  5. X-Sane is broken, nice segfault

  6. indicators and ayatana ones are conflicting but well the work both. Same for the appmenu globalmenu applets. Two sets of conflicting packages that do exactly the same thing.

  7. hplip is installed -a real bug if you have no hp Hardware.

  8. Snapd adware is installed. Can be removed

  9. firefox needs to be installed manually after fixing 8)

  10. plymouth - it wont work with nvidia grahics drivers tm

  11. grub configuration - Who the hell did deactivate osprober Script ?

Apart from these things it runs rock solid.

Thanks, but your list is not comprehensive and it misses proof-links.

Please add exact steps to reproduce for each item of your list, also show repositories in use.
Also report relevant bugs by apport-bug package-name to launchpad and post links to them in the next post. By doing this you'll help users to know problems better or to help avoid them.

  1. Enabling 32 bit by installing 32 bit software on 22.04 system causes an systemd upgrade which leads to a crashing system. Even executing 32 bit apps with ld preload or chroot can cause the specific application to crash.

sudo apt-get install gksu multiarch results in package not found.

  1. dosemu is missing in the repository since 18.04

  2. python 2 has been cut off some packages from 22.04 repository. I especially need one plugin to remove small objects or dirt from my own photographs sometimes.

  3. here ill report a bug. That makes sense. Ill also report it on launchpad.

  4. Write the conflicting package names here tommorow

  1. Known big with nvidia since 16.04?

  2. stock grub on 22.04 wont find other linux os

Steps to improve your current list:

  1. Please learn Markdown
  2. Please add exact steps to reproduce to each list item
  3. Please search relevant bugs on Launchpad and attach them to the list items

Some comments about each item:

  • [:question:] "1. wine 32 bit from repository breaks the system-wine 32 bit Appimage works keyboard only partially." ← need steps to reproduce. I have successfully installed PlayOnLinux, no issues.
  • [:heavy_plus_sign:] "2. gksu is missing -can be installed and works nice on 22.04." ← it is obsolete since 18.04 LTS, see details at AskUbuntu.
  • [:heavy_plus_sign:] "3. dosemu from 18.04 works", I can confirm this, reported it as bug Bug #1975420 “dosemu package is missed in 20.04 LTS and 22.04 LT... : Bugs : dosemu package : Ubuntu .
  • [:question:] "4. gimp heal selection plugin missing - works after installing python2 and python gimp" ← details needed.
  • [:question:] "5. X-Sane is broken, nice segfault" ← details needed.
  • [:question:] "6. indicators and ayatana ones are conflicting but well the work both. Same for the appmenu globalmenu applets. Two sets of conflicting packages that do exactly the same thing." ← details needed. If you instal Unity along with MATE, then it is actually not supported. Unity is dead, you should understand this.
  • [:ok:] "7. hplip is installed -a real bug if you have no hp Hardware." ← looks questionable, you can simply remove it by sudo apt-get autopurge hplip if you do not want it.
  • [:ok:] "8. Snapd adware is installed. Can be removed" ← sounds paranoidal and opinion-based. Ubuntu MATE Welcome + Software Boutique needs it to operate.
  • [:ok:] "9. firefox needs to be installed manually after fixing 8)" ← check Way to avoid Snap version of Firefox and continue to use deb-package on freshly installed Ubuntu MATE 21.10 - #3 by Norbert_X .
  • [:question:] "10. plymouth - it wont work with nvidia grahics drivers tm" ← please find relevant bug, subscribe to it.
  • [:question:] "11. grub configuration - Who the hell did deactivate osprober Script ?" ← check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1955109 .
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    1. synaptic replaces the software boutique.
    1. thx

Think its this bug as it works better with nouveau driver or on live dvd



4: As to Heal Selection which is great
Example: Photo with time date on it.
Box select it and Heal Selection and it's gone
From reading it seems to be using existing Heal tool to KISS.

Did not try @Frueder_Saugschmerie 's method as stopped looking
when I found Appimage.

Two other options are
2.10.22 Appimage which is compiled with the python and plugin
The one I am running, seems that was latest to support.
Seems like it is possibly available in Flatpak version info at


Down near bottom under installation
Can't vouch it works as removed Flatpak Hub and other flatpaks
I had installed.

5: Maybe try Document Scanner which is Simple Scan renamed
Kinda think it is included. (checked Synaptic for dependencies
not showing but thought it needed sane also.)

I tried on my system and it works and also works in Gimp.

Also my Epson Image Scan works too


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  • 1 [:question:] 32 bit not working on my computer goes down to libc6:i386. Wine appiumage works

  • 2 [:ok:] explains why. well its still installable if you have to so no problem there

  • 3 [:ok:] Thx for the bugreport.

  • 4 [:ok: ] @mendy has shown a nice workaround that is more suitable for most users.

  • [ :money_mouth_face: ] 5. xsane bug now on launchpad:
    Bug #1975482 “Xsane crashes directly” : Bugs : xsane package : Ubuntu

  • [ :ok:] 6. ayatana-indicator and indicator- packages are conflicting. Atm i have the ayatana ones installed- work nice but the others did too. @Norbert_X Won`t install unity as its outdated.#

  • 7,8,9 can be removed from the list

*10 need to look at it later but bug is described here i believe:

  • [:ok:] 11. add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false inside /etc/default/grub
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