Mobile Device Integration

I noticed at the bottom of the roadmap page on the main site that “mobile device integration” is something being looked into. I don’t know if this counts necessarily (plus I have concerns about privacy, though I’ve never researched them) but I wanted to bring attention to PushBullet, or at least in this case the PushBullet indicator more specifically. I had been using this for a bit but I stopped because I didn’t want to have to keep Firefox open for it. Now that I see they have an indicator and a Nautilus extension I will probably visit it again. I haven’t looked into their license or how the actual transfer protocol works (whether a private server can be run) but it might be a way…

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Pretty sure pushbullet is not GPL but it is a great little app. I was thinking they were looking for something more like the KDE Konnect (SP?) project which works beautifully I just don’t like KDE or Qt.

Yeah I was assuming pushbullet wasn’t a libre license and I wouldn’t really want to see something relying on a closed, third-party server for what it does either. I also prefer GTK so I’ve sort of avoided KDE connect.

I’m sure something will come along for us GTK lovers at some point. Until then I’ll just use my smart watch :smiley: