Modify the top right panel

Hello everyone!

New here, I am upgrading my computer room for my high school students. Previously, I was using Mate 16.04 configured to the nines.

So I started setting up a new workstation and I'm surprised because I'm almost done very easily, knowing that I'm in multi-user mode. The students log in with their own login.

However, I have 2 things I would like to set up (see screenshot):

  1. Delete the list of users who have logged on to the computer because in my case, the list is going to become excessively long...
  2. Delete the sleep button that I don't use with the students.

Is this possible? Thank you for your help!

Capture d’écran depuis 2021-06-19 12-54-57

Hi @bristow,

this menu window is from indicator-session. The most obvious customization method is through dconf-editor. Install dconf-editor and navigate to /apps/indicator-session. Toggle user-show-menu item fo solve your problem №1.
OR use terminal command:
gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.session user-show-menu false

There is no toggle to hide 'suspend' menu item and elegantly solve your problem №2 unfortunately (bug report).

Hope this helps

Thanks @ironfoot !

Can you confirm that this setting will be valid for all my users? I suppose because it is a machine setting if I understand correctly.

And for number 2 : :man_shrugging:t2:

after a test, it seems that no, the modification does not impact all users.
I hope the information is in the .config/dconf/user file and that with /etc/skel, it will come down for all!

I didn't take into account you need that for multiple users.
To apply this setting system-wide, try following steps.

  1. create file:
    /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/40_indicator-session.gschema.override (use 30_ubuntu-mate.gschema.override as example)
  2. contents:


  3. run sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ to recompile schemas
  4. relogin

It seems to work on the new accounts!

Thanks again, I'll test it at school next week...