Money Manager Ex for MATE

In ubuntu 20.04 LTS (and since 18.04 LTS) I have used Money Manager Ex to keep track of personal finances.

The advantage of this package available from the standard ubuntu repo's is the way it can handle transfers from one account in one currency currency to another (in my case transfers from a sterling account to a euro account).

I can't seem to find Money Manager Ex (mmex) in the repo's for MATE.

Can anyone advise on how to obtain this excellent application for MATE 21.04?

Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE share the same repos.
Just enter mmex in a terminal window and look what happens.
Hint: sudo snap install mmex

I could not find it either, but you can download it.

mmex_1.5.1-1.focal_amd64.deb or mmex_1.5.1-1.buster_amd64.deb will install with no dependencies issues right now with gdebi.

Good luck, I have switched to GnuCash as it is in the offical repositories, but don't know if it can handle transfers from one account in one currency currency to another.


Thanks. That installed v1.3.3 but the version installed from ubuntu 20.04 LTS is v1.4.0 o not quite the same. ISTR there were issues with the earlier version which seem to have been resolved in 1.4.0
If they come from the same repo, why the different versions?

@jymm Thanks also. For some reason gdebi seems broken on my 21.04 system.

You don't need gdebi to install *.deb files.
Just cd in the directory your *.deb file is located in and use sudo apt install ./yourdebfile it will install it and fetch all the missing dependencies.
It hasn't installed the same version as it's a snap here. You didn't mention how you installed it on Focal before.
Using the same command on both Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE (as long as they're the same release) to install the same piece of software will get you the same versions.

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I downloaded it on ubuntu focal 20.04 from the ubuntu software center. The graphic further up shows the download page.

Looking at the link to github above in @jymm post, I see that there are a number of versions 1.5.1-1 available but none (yet) for 21.04 (hirsute) in which case I guess the version named groovy_amd64.deb is the closest candidate or might in your view bionic_amd64.deb be better as it will sit on both PCs and share the same database in the cloud (Dropbox)?

I don't know where it was downloaded from using the Ubuntu Software Center. Now it seems it's all about snaps. Don't remember whether this trend started with 20.04 or 20.10 though. Looks like it wasn't the case when you installed it as the latest stable snap is 1.3.3 as you mentioned.

I'd give the groovy one a try if you're planning to use it on 21.04 as it's indeed the closest release to hirsute.

There's also the 1.4.0-alpha.6 available as a snap using

sudo snap install mmex --edge

However, it looks like the developpers don't care much about snaps though as it has not been updated for a year.

If you want to get the latest updates you might want to stick to the github releases.

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Thanks @Utsuro
I had to delete the old version first in MATE as I then had two versions listed.
sudo apt-get remove --autoremove mmex then
sudo snap remove mmex

Following that I then reinstalled the mmex_1.5.1-1.groovy_amd64.deb from the download by simply clicking on it and selecting Install Package.
Nice and clean and easy to do following your hints.
I'll need to do the same with ubuntu 20.04 of course so both have the same version (as the new version may convert files).
Once again, thanks for your guidance.

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Just by way of additional information for completeness on how this is now resolved.
There are issues in updating MMEx. It seems that the underlying database product has changed and it is necessary to go back a version in order to upgrade the data and move forward to v.1.5.1
Rather than do that, I have clean installed 1.5.1 on both clients, MATE 21.04 and ubuntu 20.04 LTS, put in new opening balances to match the old version (after printing off a transaction list) and placed the data files in Dropbox which is accessible by both (either) PCs. As there is no hirsute client for MATE, I have installed the groovy client and the focal client on the 20.04 LTS box with seemingly no ill effects.

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