Move/Resize Windows in a fast way

You usually click into the title window and you move the window or click in the borders for resize it.

Try this:
Alt+Left Mouse inside a window (not just title): Move
Alt+Right Mouse inside a window (not just title): Resize

Enjoy it!


Hello, I like Mate desktop a lot, but the configuration for Ctrl+Left Mouse to move windows is not straightforward.

This post was a question but in writing, discovered the answer so the post is a SOLVED for Control+Mouse Left drag for moving windows.

Install dconf editor with:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

The dconf editor with ‘Ctrl’ does not work in:

But it does work in:

Logging out and back in, voila. Ctrl-drag with left mouse button works like a champ.

This could be easier. The Alt and Super buttons are available, but Ctrl (Control) seems an obvious third choice.

This was tested in Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS.

This is an awesome tip, thanks !